May 19, 2003 14:41
well the shit finally hit the fan... i only told josh about this but i have aserious peoblem in my family. My uncle is the biggest alchoholic in the world. it sucks to cause he lives with my grandma across town. my mom and him never got a along, even as kids. even as an older brother he was really hate ful and at sometimes abusive to her. Thank god she never let him get near me and my brothers. But anyways, since my grandfather died, about a year ago, my uncle jim has lived with my grandma. screw this, i dunno why i even call him "uncle" its not like i even repect him at all anyways. But he has been living with my grandma. we tried to get along with him, and put all the bad memories in the past. the problem is, he just gets worse and worse. Its time that someone starts taking care of my grandma. There is no reson why she should take care of him. He has no job, his family left him because he was so abusive, and he sells my granpas onld things for beer money. A simple solution would be for my grandma just to kick jim out of the house. but no, she fully lets him live there, take advantage of her, and completely treat her like shit. he has no heart what so ever. I don't get how someone could be so cruel. so for like a year, ever since this whole thing started, we haven't been to my grandma's housse. ive still seen her, she came over here a coulple of times and we met at rusty's once. but my poor mom. she fully feels rejected. Her mom picked Jim over my mom. and she doesn't even listen when my mom treis to tell her how much it really hurts her. well, the other day, my dad went over to have a word with jim. my dad kinda went over board and almost ended up in a fist fight with him. which totally would have been fine, cause my dad has som much anger for jim, that he probly would have killed the guy. but then my grandma got mad. she said that my mom has made no effort. and that she should love jim because he's family. but what does that even mean? i diefine family as people who love you for who you are. They are there for you when you need them, and they are actually nice to you. my uncle is the worst man i have ever met in my life. He is a coward who needs alcohol to hide behind. This has been going on for years and im so sick of everything. I hope my grandma does go through with what she said she was gonna do. she said that she was going to give back all the pictures of us, and my mom back to my mom. what a bitch. how can she just cut us off like that... to be honest, i think she's sick. mentally sick. no one can take that much abuse and still "love" the person who abuses them like that. i don't understand... or is it me? am i totally off base? are me and my family wrong for hating Jim? wouldn't you hate someone who was terrible to you? im so confused... cause ive alwayse loved my family... but right now, i actually hate a person with all my might....