Jun 16, 2008 07:49
It's bad... and I actually liked Lady in the Water. I thought the creative suicides would at least be entertaining, but most of them were already spoiled on the commercials. The movie is pretty much what you think it is from the commercials. There isn't really a twist and the ending lacks real closure. You're given a lame explanation about plants, but little more. I spent the whole movie hoping the annoying wife character would die. She's pretty irritating. Actually, the acting is all pretty cheesy.
I kinda suspect that the whole movie is secretly about Intelligent Design. The main character is a... science teacher who at the beginning at the movie asks his class a question about the mysterious disappearence of the bees. He commends the student that answers "It's an act of nature. We'll never really understand it." I was certain that was what the twist was going to be, but nope. Nothing.
The trees, man. The trees!