So. I went away, had some fun, visited Pluto (consoled the poor dear), swung by Vega and a variety of other small systems and have now returned.
Okay... so the real story isn't nearly as exciting, so I'll be sticking to that one.
I've been thinking, and have come to conclusion that I am probably going to start using this journal to post some of my artwork that I have decided isn't "professional" website material. ^^; Namely my story doodlage and character art.
I am now an official alumni of Sheridan College, which is something that strikes me as both squee-worthy and a little bit strange. The flip side to that is that I've now embarked on the exciting path through Conestoga college on my way to earning a second diploma - this time in the arena of Graphic Design.
... I must be crazy, but if that's so, I've been this way for a long time, and I don't see any point in changing now. XP
... I've also managed to make very good friends with a girl in my class who speaks Japanese, and she is slowly managing to sway me towards the finer nuances of that beautiful language. (witness post title. XD)
See you guys on the flipside, yo!
<3 <3
And without further ado - some of my latest silly little doodles. The two unhappy looking pale guys belong to my friend -
cloudiestrife here on LJ. The shamelessly topless smiling dude is my own Jay. ^^; Hope y'all like.