Web app rec; drawing

Feb 07, 2010 09:59

nixwilliams I learned of Pixlr Photo Editor. It's VERY like Photoshop; it even uses Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. My only problem was that I kept accidentally rearranging the order of my layers somehow. And it doesn't support paths. But other than that, it's pretty awesome. Instruction manual. (Requires flash.)

The last book I read was "Gone Tomorrow" by Lee Child, and although this drawing is technically fan art, this is... not a rec.

JACKET BLURB: "Reacher, one of the most popular characters in contemporary thrillers, is the perfect hero... loved by women, feared by men and respected by all."
ME: >.o

Title: In Reacher's Pants
Fandom: Reacher novels
Media: Pixlr

And Pixlr will host your image. (Link for backup because I'm hotlinking and I can't find their policy on that.) [ETA: But they apparently delete it after a certain amount of time.]

As for the sixth item in Reacher's pants, I hope my depiction is as subtle and nuanced as canon is.

This entry was originally posted at http://gnatkip.dreamwidth.org/8712.html. If you feel moved to comment, please do so there:

art, art: .subject: still life & landscape, recs: software & web tools & sites, art: .medium: digital: web tools, art: .fandom: reacher

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