innie_darling has finished her awesome "Ben and Dean" series, and I drew a couple things in celebration. The drawings are slightly spoilery for the stories.
If you haven't read them, I'd recommend starting with
Sunshine State [Het and slash (Sam/OFCs, Sam/OMC, Sam/Jess), NC-17, pre-series. 32,038 words. Sam POV. Sam spends just over three years at Stanford.] Then
Ben and Dean [(34,560 words) Dean/OMC: PG - NC-17. Ben POV.]
Ben and Dean is available as a downloadable pdf with illustrations. (Including these, eeeee!) *smishes the boys*
Title: Coin
Fandom: Supernatural
Media: ArtRage, Photoshop
Notes: For
scene six.
Click for bigger (1000 x 750px, 256k).
Title: Little Trinity
Fandom: Supernatural
Media: Inkscape, Photoshop
Notes: For
scene twelve. Many thanks to
la_fono, and
tripperfunster for betaing. The good parts are because they helped; any wonky parts are because I didn't listen. La_fono went above and beyond, giving me lessons in Perspective 101 and letting me meep at her for hours. And thank you to
innie_darling for the virtual tour of a trinity, and also, of course, thank you for sharing your OTP with us. <3
Click for bigger (1760 x 2800px, 420k). Detail:
Click for the whole thing (1760 x 2800px, 420k).