Art-ish thingy; Squid

Feb 17, 2009 17:58

Dear anons, ILU too!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

A couple of artlulz drawings:

And Kaput which I quite like, so I'm posting here:

LiteBrites as done by fictional characters. Media: LiteBrite toy, floofed in Photoshop

[Pushing Daisies]
By Charlotte Charles, age eight and a half:

By Dean Winchester, age seven:

[The Office]
By Michael Scott, age thirty-nine:

For the squid-oriented among you (adbaculum? bronze_ribbons? la_fono?): there is a 3D squid vs. whale battle to the death in Google Earth 5.

Also they updated their street views recently with an unbelievable amount of photos. Which means that I've been making little collections of placemarks -- you know, all the normal ones like "everywhere I've ever lived", "everywhere I've ever worked." But also "everywhere I've ever HAD SEX," "everywhere I've ever COMMITTED A MISDEMEANOR." It's very satisfying.

art: .subject: still life & landscape, challenge: artlulz, art, art: .medium: digital: photoshop, ilu fandom, art: .fandom: pushing daisies, art: .fandom: .nonfannish, character: spn: sam winchester, art: drawble, recs: software & web tools & sites, art: .fandom: spn, fandom: supernatural, art: .fandom: the office, art: .subject: people omg, fandom: pushing daisies, art: .medium: digital: web tools, character: spn: dean winchester

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