SPN manip

Feb 07, 2009 07:29

I have done what I thought I never would do, because generally speaking it's a squick for me. I have committed a manip.

Spoilers for SPN 4.14, Sex and Violence )

art: .medium: digital: photoshop, art, character: spn: bobby singer, canon reaction & review, art: .fandom: spn, fandom: supernatural, art: .subject: people omg, art: manip

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Comments 30

ratcreature February 7 2009, 14:40:23 UTC
So AWESOME. *hearts you a lot* And it looks really convincing.


gnatkip February 7 2009, 15:10:32 UTC
Less than threeeeeeee! Thank you! :D


megstuff February 7 2009, 15:40:56 UTC
Whew. I feel the same way about manips, but since it was you I clicked anyhow. So glad I did! This is hilarious (and so well executed! it really looks real.)


gnatkip February 7 2009, 16:44:25 UTC
Glee! Thanks!

I know this is a really obscure and minority squick, but up until very recently, I was too squicked to even use icons of real people. >.<

reposted because it ated my smiley


sockkpuppett February 7 2009, 15:42:30 UTC
YES! YES! YES! This hat has been well-earned and well-deserved, and you did a beautiful job on it. Expertly done. *claps hands*

Is it iconifiable? (Yes, it's a real word! LOL)


gnatkip February 7 2009, 16:50:15 UTC
Thank you! Your idea was so perfect. XD

It's definitely iconifiable! Here's just the words, if that helps. I tried to do it, but I had trouble keeping it legible, and icons are hard!


(The comment has been removed)

gnatkip February 7 2009, 18:04:04 UTC
:D Thank you!

Bobby rocks my socks off, but even I think they're handling him badly this season.


deirdre_c February 7 2009, 16:24:00 UTC
Heeeheeee! WIN!!


gnatkip February 7 2009, 18:07:32 UTC
Hahaha ICON. ♥


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