Pushing Daisies Art: Sand and Thread and Little Marble Eyes

Sep 21, 2008 22:06

Title: Sand and Thread and Little Marble Eyes
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Subject: the Aunts' taxidermy book
Media: Queeky

Click through for movie.

ETA: Or stream here:

Or click here for big (784 x 980 px, 167k).

I planned to make the book cover more detailed, but all those letters got fiddly. I used a thesaurus and everything.

Ornithological Taxidermy
For Fun and Profit
Ave Annotine

art: wip & process: time-lapse replay, art, art: .fandom: pushing daisies, art: .subject: still life & landscape, art: .subject: ephemera & textiles, fandom: pushing daisies, art: .medium: digital: web tools, art: wip & process

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