SPN Art: Rumsfeld

Apr 10, 2008 18:31

New community pimp! Let me direct your attention to spn_fanart, a community which focuses on Supernatural art in traditional media, rather than graphics or manips. There have already been some great drawings and recs posted. Yay!

Title: Rumsfeld
Fandom: Supernatural
Media: Inkscape, Photoshop

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art: wip & process: time-lapse replay, art, art: .subject: still life & landscape, art: .medium: digital: misc, recs: communities, character: spn: rumsfeld, art: .fandom: spn, fandom: supernatural, art: .subject: critters, video whatsits, art: wip & process

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Comments 57

tripperfunster April 11 2008, 00:45:23 UTC
wow! That was so cool to be able to see you draw this step by step. Man, I love to see how other artists approach drawings. too cool!


gnatkip April 12 2008, 00:20:06 UTC
Glad you liked it! I love it so much when other people show their work to the class. Of course in my case, there's a lot of "Look how I screw up! Look how often and how badly!" XD


la_fono April 11 2008, 00:48:52 UTC
Art!thrill. O.O


I am crushing SO HARD right now.

He's such a doggy dog! The details and the drawing and redrawing and drawing again are wonderful to see, and a privilage one doesn't normally get to see at all, and the truck up on breezeblocks, and the tyre and the colours are harmonious and subtle and delicious.


gnatkip April 12 2008, 00:27:53 UTC
OMnomnomnomnom. What a comment. Less than threes and less than pounds and less than EVERYTHING.

Hee, I never knew they were called breezeblocks! Because a breeze can go through? Cinderblocks here. ;)

Thank you so very much, dear.


dreamlittleyo April 11 2008, 01:14:14 UTC
Oh, that's fantastic! I love the style of this, it is beautifully done. Lovely!


gnatkip April 12 2008, 00:29:58 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you so much! <3


coell April 11 2008, 02:04:12 UTC
Very cool picture! And thanks for pimping spn_fanart!


gnatkip April 12 2008, 00:30:38 UTC

Certainly :)


ratcreature April 11 2008, 02:46:52 UTC
This looks awesome. Rumsfeld is adorable and I really like the car and the junkyard background. The limited color palette works amazingly well! and the process video was fascinating. I envy your mad skillz with all kinds of graphics programs. I once tried to draw with Inkscape and didn't manage to produce much of anything...


gnatkip April 12 2008, 19:06:06 UTC
Aww, you are very very kind, thank you!

I love it when other people post process videos. I always learn something.

Oh! Hey, I should pimp this to you -- although you may already know of it -- an art blog I've been reading the feed of lately, Gurney Journey. He has little bite-sized lessons every day on various topics. He explains things so that even I can understand them, which is awesome.

Inkscape is almost entirely over my head. I know how to use the calligraphy tool, which I find really pleasant and swishy and... sort of wet feeling. But that's pretty much the extent of what I've learned.


ratcreature April 12 2008, 19:25:42 UTC
I tried the calligraphy tool too. When I tried it, I thought I might use it instead of GIMP to ink the pencils of my avatars for my icons, because I had seen someone say that they used Inkscape for inking and coloring their online comic. And then I tried, and I couldn't get a handle on it all ( ... )


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