A couple months ago, the HP Lexicon blog announced a search plugin for your browser. I would link you to the post, but it won't let me so instead I'll just tell you to
scroll down to January 16. I cannot imagine why navigating a blog should be so difficult and I am irritated but ANYWAY. That's not the point. [ETA: AHA! I found a
direct link!] The point is that the plugin is very nifty! And it got me to thinking that I'd like one for
Super-wiki (the Supernatural canon & fandom wiki). So I made one.
It works for me in both Firefox 2.0 and IE 7.0. To install, click on the "OpenSearch plug-in Super-wiki" link midway down the page, just above the blue line.
Super-wiki Search Plugin There are
boocoodles of search plugins already out there, but if you can't find what you're looking for, you can make it. I did it the easy OpenSearch-for-Dummies way, with an online generator called
Ready2Search. And this morning I found another online generator at
searchplugins.net which looks like it might be nicer, actually. Or if you're more savvy than I am you can just
build one from scratch.
Nifty! Go forth and search.