Title: Wanted: Severus Snape
Subject: the Ministry's poster after Dumbledore's murder
Media: Paper and pencil, paper effects scans, Photoshop, Fonts: Elephant, Old English Text,
OldStyleSize: 404x600px, 59k
Notes: Late *cough* for
The Severus Snape, Half-Blood Prince Fest at
snape_the_hbp, inspired by
aubrem's bunny. Many thanks for the beta work of (alphabetically):
moonytoes, and
mrs_muggle. Any remaining errors are mine all mine.
Here's a
larger size (825x1225px, 197k), or click through image.
Because I seem to be consumed lately with the urge to share little scraps of budding ideas, here are some WIP pics.
I had fun researching vintage posters. Here I was trying to get a feel for the language and tone, and making note of the things I definitely wanted to include.
A succession of truly horrible Snapes, including NostrilsThatAteHogsmeade!Snape.
A larger version of the final drawing.
I've been sketching people a bit, here and there, and I've been doing a little reading on the subject of caricatures. And I'm gettin' there, slowly but surely. I wanted to animate the "photo," but the more I thought on it, the more overwhelming the idea became, until it started to eat me a little. Which is why this didn't get posted during the month of May, argh. Finally I decided to just make him still. But I needed a reference, a sneering greasy reference, so I took a photo of myself. Um. With hand lotion in my hair.
That, my friends, is batshit dedication. ;)
I'm pretty pleased with the result, especially since I bear very little resemblance to Snape and so had to imagine most of the shapes. There's something odd going on in the neck region, though. Having no adam's apple myself, I had to spirit one out of thin air, so poor little Snape ended up with a goiter. As if he didn't have enough on his plate, here I am giving him thyroid troubles, to boot.