I've been toying with the idea of reccing for some time now, and I've finally decided to do it. I've read a fair amount of HP stories, and I make notes about [damn near] everything I read. So I've accumulated quite a list of favorites.
I've never been any good at being topical, so these two are several years old. Yes, years, which in fandom-time might as well be eons. But they're excellent and they shouldn't be overlooked.
Pairings are listed alphabetically. Unless otherwise noted, the summaries, ratings, and warnings are in the author's own words.
The Rain Keeps FallingAuthor:
luthienCharacters: Harry/Snape
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This story is not happy and contains references to character death.
Length: ~2,000 words
Summary: "Harry listens to the rain falling on the roof after everything has ended."
Why I like it: I ache. This is a haunting little thing, full of lovely details. The rain is carried throughout the story, all fluid and hazy and sorrowful.
Quote: "They stayed there like that, not saying anything, not moving, prolonging the moment before the beginning as the rain beat down on the roof above them in a desperate rhythm."
excuse me butAuthor:
silviakunderaCharacters: Hermione/Millicent
Rating: [unrated, nothing explicit]
Length: ~900 words
Summary: "Let me tell you a love story."
Why I like it: There's a dreamy, archetypal quality to it. It's from Millicent's first person perspective, and it's as though she's a Storyteller, wise and mythic; like she's singing us a poem. Every sentence is lovelier than the last. A beautiful story.
Quote: "The story goes, I woke up and there were geese in the bed."