Physics - The Science of Creation

Nov 02, 2014 16:07

Just when I think I'm done with the Old Testament, The Lord takes me back there AGAIN. I had only just started the Gospel of Matthew when I started leading a Bible study on... guess what? Genesis! We actually hope to do an expository study on the whole Bible, but it took us two hours to make it through the first 7 days because there is so much there. I wondered what new layers The Lord would reveal this time around and, rather than focusing on the language, he's showing me deep mysteries into the science of how it all works. I'm not even halfway through Matthew's Gospel and I'm instead spending the day comparing new discoveries in the field of physics to the first few lines of the Bible. It amazes me how much information the Holy Spirit has packed into those few tiny words.

Physicists have long known that our universe contains three elements; Time, Space, and Matter. This finding confirms the first verse of The Bible, "In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the Earth (matter)" - Genesis 1:1. This is the premise I run on when I read studies in physics. This morning, I once again returned to a rabbit hole I had been visiting over the last couple of days. It involves a new theory that we live in an electric universe, bound together by positive and negative charges, rather than by gravitational forces of light and dark matter. While trying to track down some interesting findings on interstellar orbits, I came across a fascinating article which brought to mind more than one verse in the Bible along with Genesis 1.

In my mind, physicists have confirmed the concept of The Father and The Son through the theory of quantum entanglement. This is what Einstein referred to as the "spooky" property in which two quantum particles share the same existence, even though they are physically separated. They are linked so that what affects one particle effects the other (Peter tells us three times that the Lord is "longsuffering"). The first few verses of John read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (1-3).

I was super excited to be lead to THESE findings on an experiment showing that Time emerged from just such an entanglement. According to the physicists, Time is an emergent phenomenon that is a side effect of quantum entanglement. If science has proved that two separate particles are one and that Time is a by-product of the pair becoming entangled, how can anyone argue that The Father and The Son are not One and that Creation is a by-product of The Two becoming entangled? This experiment also confirms my belief that God is outside time and gives new insight to the extraordinary event when The Word became Flesh and tabernacled among us.

For me, no other science confirms Biblical Truth as well as physics. All this recent research lead me back to a video I discovered earlier this year which compelled me to watch this field of science regularly for new developments. I think it explains best why so many physicists are believers in The Creator God.

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genesis, physics

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