Jul 19, 2004 23:01
Blake Giunta: haha.. that whole hour-glass mana flow between the two world was totally a guess of mine
Blake Giunta: man im a genius
Blake Giunta: now the question is: is it for the reason that i hypothesized
Doug Rader: it
Doug Rader: is possible
Doug Rader: Tower of Salvation yet?
Blake Giunta: if it is.. i should own my own science lab
Blake Giunta: cuz im just so smart
Blake Giunta: i'll write a book
Doug Rader: man
Blake Giunta: "how to become more smart"
Doug Rader: I love people who toot their own horn
Blake Giunta: hey, we have something in common
Doug Rader: haha
Doug Rader: blake
Doug Rader: IGN told us about the mana flow
Blake Giunta: not me
Doug Rader: haha
Blake Giunta: i heard nothing about it
Doug Rader: "don't let blake hear this"
Blake Giunta: ahaha
Doug Rader: it's even on the back of the game case
Blake Giunta: oh?
Blake Giunta: brb
Blake Giunta: lesse
Blake Giunta: does not
Doug Rader: I know it's somewhere completely obvious
Blake Giunta: lol
Blake Giunta: just becuase i hypothesized it?
Doug Rader: I remember thinking that they should have kept that a secret
Blake Giunta: wayyyyy before i should have
Doug Rader: nah
Doug Rader: you should know by the wind temple
Blake Giunta: they gave away that there where two worlds
Blake Giunta: but NOTHING about the hour-glass mana flow between the two
Blake Giunta: that was totally blake-genius
Doug Rader: whatever blake
Blake Giunta: dont hate me because im brilliant
Blake Giunta: dont hate me because im beau-rilliant
Blake Giunta: ahahah
Doug Rader: whatever blake
Doug Rader: can't be bothered to argue with you about something everyone already knows
Blake Giunta: even my witty wittation is a glaring testimony to me brianiactified qualities
Blake Giunta: hahaha
Doug Rader: i encourage you to invest in your book
Blake Giunta: haha
Blake Giunta: thanks doug
Blake Giunta: i'l give you a signed copy
Blake Giunta: "how to be more smarter"
Blake Giunta: by: Blake Giunta
Blake Giunta: boy-genius
Doug Rader: yes
Doug Rader: I'd like to see how many copies it sells
Blake Giunta: im going to buy 1,000,000,000 from myself
Blake Giunta: and sell them again
Blake Giunta: so i can say its a best seller
Blake Giunta: see doug, thats how boy-geniuses think
Blake Giunta: THEN everyone else will buy it to see WHY its so popular
Doug Rader: i believe you lack the money to buy 1 million copies of your own book blake
Blake Giunta: i dont have to do it at once
Doug Rader: or a proper way to store them
Doug Rader: hahaha
Blake Giunta: heck, i could buy 60 a day
Doug Rader: you couldn't do it ina year
Doug Rader: 60 a day
Blake Giunta: bring them back into my store tomorrow
Blake Giunta: sell them all over again
Doug Rader: almost no one can buy 60 books a day
Doug Rader: haha
Doug Rader: your store
Doug Rader: which you will build to sell your book
Blake Giunta: yeah.. cuz i'll def have store next to the science lab they'll give me
Doug Rader: hahahahahahha
Blake Giunta: haha youre catching on
Doug Rader: this is too funny
Doug Rader: i love you blake
Blake Giunta: O:-)