Nov 30, 2004 13:34
Josh's simplified version:
Doug Rader: hahahahahaha
Blake Giunta: =_=
Doug Rader: yeah that's right
Doug Rader: I noticed your video game
Blake Giunta: my game, eh?
Blake Giunta: what, pray tell, was my game?
Doug Rader: it's right over here
Doug Rader: *picks up "Blake's Boiling Sexy Adventure"
Blake Giunta: where did you get that
Doug Rader: nicked it
Blake Giunta: !
Blake Giunta: when??
Doug Rader: last time I was at your house
Blake Giunta: you've had it all this time!?
Doug Rader: i accidentally pulled on an arm of spider-man in your room
(i've got alot of spiderman paraphenalia in my room)
Doug Rader: which opened a door
Doug Rader: which led me through a rough-hewn cave-like passage
Doug Rader: past sets of devious traps
Doug Rader: underneath a stone tablet
Doug Rader: with a note that said "do not look not blake's game"
Blake Giunta: you even saw past my most thought out defense?
Blake Giunta: fascinating
Blake Giunta: Doug, you truly are a man of many skills.
Doug Rader: not really
Doug Rader: if you don't want me finding your secret stuff, you shouldn't leave it just lying around
Blake Giunta: it was hidin behind a secret door and booby trapped!!
Blake Giunta: i even put a sticky note directing any offenders away
Blake Giunta: a purple one too!
Doug Rader: well it was just lying there under the tablet
Doug Rader: you shoulda had about five times as many traps
Doug Rader: and maybe a final guardian mythical beast
Blake Giunta: .. Ifrit was on vacation
Blake Giunta: its thanksgiving man!
Doug Rader: it's not my fault that you invite your deadliest foes over to your secret base when your defenses are at their weakest and spider-man arms at their dustiest (and thus just begging to be dusted)
Blake Giunta: (thanks for that btw, it was time)
(then doug explains his defense system)
Doug Rader: no one will ever make it past my final protective beast
Blake Giunta: man, my defense system is a joke compared to yours
Doug Rader: well, it did have that purple note
Doug Rader: that would have stopped me without that cryptic hint in the skeleton's hand
Blake Giunta: haha. oh good.. at least i dont feel completely incapable
Doug Rader: i clean out my cave myself
Doug Rader: i keep finding all these cryptic notes
Doug Rader: I used them to paper my room before i had one guy strip my wall and take that with him into the cave
Doug Rader: she got farther than anyone else
Doug Rader: to this day no one knows where she is
Doug Rader: yet some claim to have seen her ghostly apparition
Doug Rader: she had a beautiful name, what was it...
Doug Rader: oh yes
Doug Rader: Rose
Doug Rader: then again, by any other name she'd smell just as sweet
Doug Rader: she did smell nice
Doug Rader: she seduced me and then slipped into my treasure chamber after the... well, after
Blake Giunta: ha, her reaching the depths had nothing to do with those hints
Blake Giunta: she had half my right butt cheek in her hands
(Rose grabbed my but accidentally at CHURCH camp and we havent let it go.. she "stole" it)
Doug Rader: oh that's right
Doug Rader: i tossed that right out
Doug Rader: flushed it down the toilet
Doug Rader: along with all the other crap
Blake Giunta: the missing wallpaper was probably just a physical reaction to the presence of the buttocks
Blake Giunta: haha, i hate you forever
Blake Giunta: i'll be sitting akwardly for the rest of mylife
Doug Rader: hey, don't hate me
Doug Rader: hate rose
Doug Rader: she took it
Blake Giunta: she didnt put it in the toilet tho
Doug Rader: how was I supposed to know it belonged to you
Blake Giunta: the radiating glory??
Doug Rader: dude my butt does that too
Doug Rader: lots of butts do
Blake Giunta: and flowers blooming in its wake?
Doug Rader: haha
Doug Rader: well that was odd, I must admit