Nov 22, 2004 12:31
Fellow Moonlighters,
My name is Blake Giunta (from 419 Moonlight) and I've got something important to tell you.. something we can do for each other. Naturally, if I plan on keeping your attention (the average reader) im going to have to make this quick, but furthermore, for fun im going to pay you as you go down for the two minutes it takes for you to read this (if you dont read it you have to throw the money away!).
1. What is Citigroup?
Citigroup is a "financial powerhouse", the only company in the world with over a trillion in assets (very established). It exists primerily as a conglomerate of five obviously prestigious companies:
Citibank, Citifinancial, Travelers, Smith Barney
And: Primerica
2. Primerica? What does this Primerica do exactly?
1. Primerica Financial Services exists to "help families become debt free and financially independant".
2. Primerica Financial Services (PFS) is the only member that does not advertise regularly - yet it sports over 100,000 representatives and serves more than six million clients in the United States, Canada and Europe.
3. Primerica is by far the largest financial services company in America that addresses middle-class income familys (whereas the other major brokerage firms generally restrict themselves to those who have around 150,000$ or more to invest).
4. Primerica does this by giving a free FNA (Financial Needs Analysis) to anyone who asks- again: no monetary fee is charged at any time (you'll see how we get our money at the bottom- it's not from you).
3. Why would I want help with my finance?
Friends, in the year 2005, "...statistics supplied by the "Bureau of Labor" indicate that if we take a random sample of 100 people, that includes professionals as well as blue collar workers, all races and ethnic gropus, men and women, you and me, and followed us through a working lifetime from the age of 25 to the age of 65, the results by the time we reach 65:
36 will be dead, of the remaining 64-
1% will be wealthy.
4% will be Financially Independant (self supporting)
41% will still be forced to work (because they have to)
54% will be dependant on charity or the government
In other words, 95 of the original 100 will either be dead or dead broke!!"
Again, those statistics are from the "Bureau of Labor", not anyone with an agenda- America today is in big trouble. One thing I've noticed is that the younger you are, the more idealistic you are... and so then, as you are reading this, the more likely you are assuming you will just so happen to be in that first 5%! Realistically speaking, as I believe the older citizens of moonlight will acknowledge, you need to realize that thats exactly what everyone else will be assuming also. Why risk that?
4. Wow. Unfortunately... I dont have any money for you to work with.
As mentioned earlier Primerica provides a free FNA (Financial Needs Analysis) which is further explained in the brocure this note was included in. We find that money in places you didn't even know you had. We teach you how to legitimately cut money that you would otherwise be spending on:
1. Debt
2. Taxes
3. Expensive Insurance
so you can invest that freed up money in your future. With the FNA we can develop a personalized plan for your situation and what it would honestly take to retire when you want. What this means to you is simple- provided we see you in time and you follow the plan, you will learn how to realistically fall into that 5%, without paying a dime extra.
5. Woah wait... this sounds too good. How do you get paid?
I'm glad you asked- we get paid the same way a travel agent does. We're paid based on fees that are already built into Citigroups financial service products (the travel agent gets paid by the hotels etc. he referred you to). Take, for example, the mortgage you already have on your home. You may not have realized this, but you actually paid a 1% "loan origination fee" when you bought your home. Either that went to the broker of the mortgage, or, if you did the work yourself, was kept instead by the respective bank. You paid it either way. Likewise, i dont get paid unless i find something that benefits you. So ultimately, i have a vested interest in helping you become "debt free and financially independant"- because that earns me money (and not a cent out of your pocket).
The only thing we ask of you is ten warm-referrals provided you are pleased with what we did for you (which is usually the case and why Primerica has so many clients today, almost all were warm-referred- one friend told another).
6. So what now?
Well, assuming you're interested, I recommend that you gather the materials listed in pamplet and find a time that you and your spouse can sit down and talk with me for about 30 minutes. This is where I meet with you, answer any questions, and can gather the necessary information in order to set up your personalized plan so you can start on your path to debt freedom and financial independance. If you dont like the plan you are obviously under no obligation to follow through with it, but given what you've learned here, certainly it's worth it to see for yourself what we can do. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Blake Giunta: (972) 424-0057