Mar 17, 2005 19:32

MICHAEL: He was changing back from the gay side. You know, i was trying to take him out.

PAUL: take him out where?

MICHAEL: you know, like strip joints and stuff. 'cuase the first time i met him he just admitted to me that he was gay.

PAUL: i knew he was. I could tell. I used to go to school with guys like him. wealthy long island jewish boys.

MICHAEL: no, no. that's just it. he's not wealthy at all, he's completely poor.

PAUL: he is?

MICHAEL: yeah, he just looks that way. so neat and proper.

PAUL: how does he get those clothes then? how does he afford it?

MICHAEL: He's a waiter. He just goes to thrift stores. it's all an act. his clothes are all secondhand.

PAUL: really?

MICHAEL: He is so poor. that's why he spent christmas over here, he's never been to a real Christmas.

PAUL: Why?

MICHAEL: Because his family is so fucked-up, it's unbelievable. they have so many problems. his mother busted his father cheating with a twenty-year-old, um, what are they called? Those women?

PAUL: Mistresses.

MICHAEL: Yeah, his mom walked in on him and his twenty-year-old mistress on christmas Day. so for the past 8 years they haven't had a christmas. his mother refuses. also the mistress's name was June so his motehr refuses to acknowledge the month of june.

PAUL: I thought he was jewish.

MICHAEL: No, he's not. he's a terrible alcholic. he sleeps on the streets sometimes.

PAUL: Who? That guy?

MICHAEL: yep, i promise


MICHAEL: I know it's hard to tell because he acts so prim and proper.

PAUL: He wears argyle socks.

MICHAEL: He's just about the worst boozer i've ever met. especially for a young person you know.

PAUL: I just saw him dirnk wine.

MICHAEL: He'll drink anything. even soup. it doesn't have to be alchohol. he can gulp down tons of soup.

PAUL: soup?

MICHAEL: like the place he works, they have really good soup. you know, fresh soup. but it's thick, it's the thick kind, and what he'll do is pour himself a humongous bowl and let it sit for like five or ten minutes so it cools down. then he'll just dirnk like an entire bowl in like ten seconds, he just downs it, it's incredible.

basically you should read a crackup at the race riots, because harmony korine is, harmonious!
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