bored at 4:30 am

Mar 17, 2004 04:48

four CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of: chains
2.afrika bambaataa
3.har mar

four places you just have to go:
1. the whole world
2. selma blair's box
3. work
4. the bank

four things you'd like to learn:
1. tap dance
2. many languages
3. sew from patterns
4. draw patterns

four beverages you drink frequently:
1. beer
2. soda
3. crystal light
4. tea

four tv shows that were on when you were a kid:
1. He-Man
2. Thundercats
3. Transformers
4. G.I. Joe

four tv shows you watch now:
1. style star

four places to go in your area:
1. the irvine rectum
2. laguna - bars
3. south coast
4. costa mesa - bars

four things that never fail to cheer you up:
1. peruvian food
2. shopping
3. sewing
4. movin and shakin

four dream guys/girls:
1. my future wife
2. reese witherspoon
3. my friend chrissie
4. some other really hot chick

About 20 years ago:
1. i was 5
2. i prolly ate my boogs
3. i was wishin i was older
4. so i could have sex(i was sorta ahead of my time)

About 10 years ago
1. i was sexing for the first time
2. i had a steady gf
3. went to santa margarita, i was a sophomore
4. i was a boy scout

About 5 years ago:
1. i was dating cindy
2. i can't remember much during this time of my life
3. i think i had just been arrested and convicted of a felony 6 months prior
4. i wore a huge ass pompadour, i was the first hippi-a-billy

getting a little more personal...
name: ahren phonse boulanger
nicknames: none noteworthy
collections: murano art glass, cds, dvds, misc shit, shoes, clothes, cologne
goals/ambitions: for the world to be my cheers(the bar where everybody knows your name, da da da da dah dah)
pets: a dog named snaps

4 letter word: shoe
actor/actress:christopher walken
board game: huh?
book: 36 dollars magazine
candy: the white
cartoon: any of the good ones
cereal: cinn toast crunch and lucky charms
chewing gum: whatevs, pref sug free
color: blue and yellow
color nail polish: orange
day of week: Friday
least fave day: Monday
flower: orchids, iris', and bird of paradise
jello flavor: melon
jewelry: rings
music video: some good one
quote/saying: "let's get this boat in the water"

habits: shop till drop, and road rage
obsessions: moto riding, garment modification, girls(those aren't very odd things to obsess over tho)
piercings: no thanks
special skills/talents: many, some too vulgar to talk about
tattoos: 11

friendship & love & all that jazz...
do you believe in love at first sight? yeah it could happen
do you want children one day & if so, how many? yes i want children. however many i have.
fave thing about the opposite sex: everything
first thing you notice in the opposite sex: personality
least fave thing about the opposite sex: the same reasons i love them
most important thing to you in a friendship is: loyalty
turn offs: too many to list(ok that's a copout, bad dancer, no sense of personal style, sheltered, whoe-ass, frigid)
turn ons: style and she has to be a good dancer
what do you think is a good age to get married? when you're ready

other info...
criminal record?: felony; although i got it exponged
describe yourself in 5 words or less: so indecisive i can't decide

do you speak any other languages? sorta
ever done drugs? ya
last book you read: crime and punishment
most interesting thing to you: life
name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: clothes, paintings, whatevs

thing you like about yourself the most: that i'm versatile, and try to adapt to any situation

pick a song title that best describes you: shit if i know
worst feeling in the world: too much debt, not enough money

who you like: everyone
who you love: everyone
who you miss: some old friends

When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: like now
laughed?: same as above
Cried?: yesterday
Bought something?: tonight
Danced?: too long ago(although i broke into the charleston just a minute ago out on the turbine deck)
Were sarcastic?: heh
Kissed someone?: cheek to cheek w/ this one girl in laguna on sat nite(just for the record, i don't initiate wannabe euro/NY cheek to cheeks; but i return them cus i'm not gonna be like "OMG, that's lame, did you just cheek to cheek me?")
Talked to an ex?: yesterday, on the phone
Had a nightmare?: last nite, the dr. injected my belly w/ something and my right nad got all swollen up, it was weird and i don't remember the whole thing)
Last movie you saw: singin in the rain(bought it on dvd, i am so down w/ gene kelly)
Last song you heard: Van hunt - i'm already insane
Last thing you had to drink: some lipton tea action
Last time you showered: before work
Last thing you ate: tuna fish w/ hot sauce

Do You...
Smoke?: yeah but i cut down lately
Do drugs?: nope, i'm on the wagon
Have sex?: nope, sex w/ out love sorta tears me up
Sleep with stuffed animals?: i wish
Live in the moment?: yeah; but it depends
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: naw
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not really
Play an instrument?: the skin flute
Believe there is life on other planets?: i dunno, i haven't been to other planets
Remember your first love?: yeah; but dwelling is bad
Still love him/her?: no way
Read the newspaper?: no; but lately i've been doin crosswords(evident it's the nuclear workers pastime)
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: fully
Believe in miracles?: sure
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: doy. is it possible to have self control?
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yeah
Consider love a mistake?: no def not
Like the taste of alcohol?: love
Believe in astrology?: defunct science
Believe in magic?: nope
Believe in God?: yes
Pray?: sometimes
Go to church?: on occasion
Have any secrets?: yep
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sure
Wear hats?: most def
Hate yourself?: you gotta love yourself
Wish on stars?: er

Like your handwriting?: probably
Have any bad habits?: yes i do
Care about looks?: yeah
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: yeah again

Believe in witches?: i knew one once; but she was a good witch
Believe in Satan?: call evil what you will
Believe in ghosts?: who knows
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