Sep 23, 2006 00:22
Happy 19th birthday Shinya-kun~!!! ^____^
I'm happy today =D, got my food and beverage lab test result yesterday, perfect score xD, and today I got my statistics test result, and wow I got a 19 out of 20 8D, much better than the first a 14/20 on general administration though in the group work, but he didn't tell us why so at least he has to tell us what to improve in.
I'm a lazy w-inds. fan XD...I just finished watching one of the many videos of them in MTV Taiwan I dled long ago >_>;;;. And I need to go through the pics section uwahhh...;_; this will take a while
have a F&B test on monday, F&B lab mid-term exam on thursday, and language test on thursday too...I'm so lazy to read -.-;;;...ganbaroo!!! *ties a bandana around her head and clenches fist*
I love this weekend...friday night, no test tomorrow so no need to go to univ then, and friends are coming over tomorrow :) Miss you lots.
I like Keita's song XD. Can't wait for the whole PV to come!!!