The Kingston ISBI: 1.6

Jul 18, 2015 16:00

Uhhh... so like... I've been an awful blogger. This post has been in my scheduled entries stuff for like a month now... sorta... and I've been playing my Kingstons here and there since the last time I posted. We have a whole hell of a lot to get through and I have neglected to keep you up to date D-: sorry! (Like, "whole hell of a lot" meaning that Roland's oldest kids are almost adults and omg I can't believe it)

Just FYI, I actually played everything in this update before posting the heir poll... so yes, just one last (and long!) update before we get to the new generation.

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Welcome back, dear readers, to the Kingston ISBI. Last time, there were many birthdays and... oh Nate what are you doing

Nate: Tee hee, tee hee

Nate: They'll never suspect a thing...

...Um... yeah. So. Nate did not win the heir poll, unfortunately. But he came close!

Blaise did not win, either. No one even voted for him, haha :-(

Oh and in case you were wondering why his heir poll picture was him shirtless... it's because at this point he was probably spending 75% of his waking hours in his sleepwear. He would get up in the morning and head straight for the music room and never really bothered getting dressed between Point A and Point B :-I

As to why he's around so much in this update... well, I was waiting for Tess to age up to a teen before I did the heir poll. So it was just me waiting around for a long time while Blaise sat around at home shirtless all day mooching off his parents. Livin' the high life, yo

I want to say Clark got this bookcase for being a celebrity? I don't remember. But it's nice, isn't it? We get nice stuff all the time because mostly everyone in the household is a celebrity. That dishwasher in the kitchen? Straight from the manufacturer, ya'll!

Plumbob: 'sup ya'll

So someone is finally making use of the little reading nook I made way back when I built the house... cool. I suppose I should also note that if Tess isn't being apprehended by Nate she is usually reading.

Oh and of course because four three-star celebrities live here, the Kingstons are constantly being harassed by paparazzi.

Paparazzo: I seeeee youuuuu

Paparazzo: Oh, come on. Do something scandalous! Oh, I know, I know--future head of legacy household sleeps in funny PJs, wears bunny slippers, and likes to use the bed with the pink covers... is he eccentric or does he have a secret gay male alien lover? Yeah, that's a great story... just great, I tells ya

eugh... what a creep!

Luckily his creeping was cut short by Blaise's graduation.

This here is Nate's formal wear... figured I'd show it off because you're probably never going to see it again.

Squirrel: Don't leave me, Nate!

Nate: Sorry, bub. I got more important things to do than paint a squirrel... though don't worry, I will return.

Aaaannnd the snazzy younger kids.

This pic of the herd o Kingstons is unfortunately the only picture I snapped really pertaining to the graduation... But Blaise graduated as class valedictorian and was voted Most Popular. I guess having two or three acquaintances outside of the legacy house makes an ISBI member "popular." lol

Afterward I sent them out for a celebratory lunch... This was a mistake, because everyone kept going back inside to get drinks. Fortunately they all got discounts for being celebrities. I mean we may not have that much money (~12,000 simoleons or thereabouts at this time), but at least we have name recognition?

Winter: And that's all you really need.

Yeah, no kidding.

Anyway they all eventually wandered home except Roland and Theresa... Tess read the whole time and Roland finally did something really useful and worked on his logic skill. Not a bad idea, especially with that view. Lucky Palms is so pretty!

also yes someone did prank that chair. I think it was Nate but I could be wrong

I suppose I should mention that these two still have the hots for each other. They flirt and kiss and Winter gets wishes to woohoo with Clark and talk to Clark all the time. It's really sweet!

Later that night, when Tess finally got home, she had Clark read her to sleep... She is such a cutie. And everyone always finishes reading her to sleep. I guess they all have a soft spot for the baby of the house lol

Roland: Yeah that's all cool and stuff, but what about ME?

Oh! Right.

So Roland won the heir poll! I mean... wait... Roland won the heir poll???

You know, I'm glad he did, but at the same time if you asked me beforehand who was going to win, I wouldn't have said, "Oh yeah Roland's got this in the bag." I did have to wonder to myself, well, what would I do if Roland won? And then I was all, "pfft no there's no way he'll win lol"


Roland: ahhhh it's good to be... heir. I guess "king" would be pushing it, wouldn't it?

Yeah... yeah, it would.

Of course, Blaise isn't the only one who sits around and jams all day in his PJs :-/ These kids, they're winners, I tells ya

Except Nate. The other three are cool and all, but he still manages to be the most productive member of the family.

Squirrel: Oh, Nathaniel... you complete me

Nate: Not now, Squirrel. I have to go bug my dad and have him tell me how awesome I am... even though I lost the heir poll. How did that even happen. *pretends not to care*

Aw, Nate. You ALMOST won! Roland only beat you by two votes! Granted only like eleven people voted, but STILL. You came in second!

Nate: If you're not first you're last, loser.

Sink: *busts*

Aw poor bb. Nate is the moodiest damn teen I think I've ever had and poor Roland honestly takes the brunt of it. If Nate pranks something it is usually Roland who has a trick played on him. Not even lying.

Meanwhile, Nate and Tess continue to be the bestest of friends. I don't know, it just tickles me so that these two get along so well. Like ever since she was a baby they've been buds.

Nate: "Hello, brother dearest. It's just such a swell day, isn't it??"

Roland: "I know it was you. I can see it in your eyes."

Nate: "Pfft. Yeah okay. Sure. Weirdo."

Nate: Ahh, that prank was golden. He never even saw it coming! Heheh.


So Tess is like everybody's little angel... I swear the boys have all read her to sleep at least once.

The next day after school both Nate and Roland were given permission to go to classmates' houses. Nate went to this girl's house... Beatriz Diwan(???), I think. She's cute, even with the Eddie Munster widow's peak, but ultimately irrelevant.

While he was at the Diwans' house Nate did not do his homework. Unless his homework involved mixology, somehow.

Roland didn't do his homework, either! The poor dopes had a guitar and he decided it was far more important to be a fool in the rain than do his homework. Oh, Roland. Why are you so dumb?

Ultimately I ended up calling them both home before it got too late, but Nate decided to remind me that he had other traits besides "artistic."

Nate: I don't know what you're talking about. I've done nothing wrong!

"Nothing wrong..." You totally swiped their loveseat!

Nate: They weren't using it! Besides, I thought it was comfortable. 10/10 A+ loveseat.

I... ugh. Okay, fine.

I don't remember if Nate ever did his homework that evening but Roland was determined. He wanted an A, darn it!

Roland: I do... I do. I can't deny it. You can't go into big business without at least a 3.99 GPA.

I wouldn't know, but sure, that sounds legit >.>

Tess managed to finally find the bedroom that I had decorated specially for her, and then her face did THIS. Man that's creepy.

For whatever reason, Clark decided he wanted to play the blues. Even though he has never shown any interest in music before now. Who knows.

Clark: The rest of my family is very musically inclined! I needed to get in on that action.

He was unfortunately interrupted by Nate, who apparently hadn't been a big enough dick that day.

Nate: "Your head is so empty you could probably host live concerts in there because your accoustics are amazing! ...Not that you could play at your own head-stadium. You couldn't play your way out of a wet paper bag!"

Clark: *gasp* "How could you say that about your own father!"

Easy. Nate's a jerk :^]

You might have thought I was making that up just to be funny... But, nope, Nate is pretty awful to his family. Except Tess. Most of the time.

Well a whole lot of stuff happened between then and this picture, but it really wasn't that interesting. So here's Theresa about to age into a teen.

Tess: Is it really my birthday? Already???

It felt like she was a child FOREVER. I was so glad when it was time for her to age up.

Tess: How do you like me NOW? *has excitable locked in*

Oooh, yes, I do like teenage Tess. She's not as cute as I thought she would be, but she's still definitely a cutie-pie.

Tess: "You know, we should have more of these birthday things. I love cake!"

Do not worry, sweet Tess. More cake is about to be had!

Clark: "I can't believe I'm getting old already. What about my lifetime wish?"

Aw, heck, I'm sorry, Clark. If I could control you and if your wife hadn't had to stop working to achieve her own LTW, I might have tried a little harder to fulfill yours. Even though I never did finish Winter's LTW. I'm pretty bad at this simming thing, to be honest.

Oh, well. Here's elder Clark! I got his eyebrows all wrong, but they don't look bad on him.

Clark: It's okay. I know you don't really care about me and my LTW. *sighs and turns to the cake for comfort*

He was happy enough after more cake, though.

Nate: "Just look at that outfit... No one with a BRAIN would ever wear something that awful!"

Clark: "Don't fight, kids! Dance! Dancing makes everything better! *smustles his heart out*"

Tess: *gasp* "What? But... but it's so cute! How could you say that to your only sister?!"

Tess: "You're lucky I like you so much... >:-C"

And then, the funniest thing happened. Feast your eyes, readers:

Nate: "MAN I need to pee... oh shit"

Tess: :-)

Nate: "Heeeeey, Tess. So you're in here... using the bathroom and... stuff."

Nate: "oh my god I'm so sorry I'm so embarrassed crap crap crap"

Tess: *laughing, possibly in shock*

Tess: "Oh that was awful... EW. What smells??"

Blaise: "Smells? Nothing smells, sis. You're imagining things."

Squirrel: Don't believe him! It's your brother and his stinky pits!

Nate: "So I know I walked in on you and stuff but guess who has two thumbs and is made of 100% pure concentrated awesome?"

Tess: "Um... Is it you?"

Nate: "Hell yeah!"

Tess: "You know what, you are pretty cool, Nate!"

Nate: "Obviously."

Nate: "Why, I'm so cool that we're skipping straight to my birthday!"

Don't flatter yourself, kid. Nothing else was really happening at the time :-/

Nate: I wish to age up with an amazing trait!

So he didn't make honor roll BUT I was able to roll for his final trait... which is.... are you ready for this... STAR QUALITY. He rolled it all by himself, ya'll. I was pretty happy.

Also I've never had a teen sim age up and look EXACTLY THE SAME before. I mean I still love Nate's face and the fact that he looks just like his mom. But I was expecting him to look at least a LITTLE different. It's not even like little subtle differences like TS4 teens and YAs. He's just the same but slightly taller and hairier.

Nate: Oh, shut up and let me enjoy my cake.

Okay... are you done now?

Nate: I am. Thank you.

Aw he's so cute... I still think he would have made a great heir, but then again I think any of the kids would have been great heirs. Sometimes I play favorites and sometimes I just love all of them equally.

Nate: Oh, whatever. I'm your favorite. You never even tried to hide it.

It's true. But I only held the poll in the first place because I kept waffling between all four of them as heir. No lie!

So for whatever reason... the younger kids got an alert that school was canceled for the day, and yet they still got picked up by the school bus? Game what is your deal.

I was ultimately content with this so I watched the boys bond over Blaise's piano playing. And by "bonding" I mean Blaise just plinked away while Nate nodded in approval the whole time. It was kind of... weird. But I'm starting to get that accepting your sims' weirdness is just part of the ISBI package.

And then I... hey wait I thought you two were going to school?

Tess: "Uh, yeah, so like they just let us go when we got there."

Roland: "It was pretty cool, actually. No one else was there, so they didn't even let us through the door."

Reminds me of my childhood... I live like fifteen miles from my old middle school and there was this one time it snowed and the bus driver came to pick me up, and then when we got there we were turned away and I had to sit through another forty-five minutes of boring bus ride before I got home to enjoy my day off. I was like twelve, maybe. Good times.

Nate: "So, Roland. You seem like you're pretty business-savvy and up-to-date on all things successful... If someone put my amazing life story to paper, do you think it would sell well? Be honest."

Roland: God he's such an idiot... "Yeah, Nate. Totally. Everyone would read it. There would probably even be a movie made out of it."

Nate: "I knew it! I must go commission this masterpiece post haste!"

Roland: "Hahaha. You go do that."

Roland: "You big dope."

Nate: "What was that?"

Roland: "I said you give me hope, Nate. That I might also be as amazing and confident as yourself one day."

Nate: "Ah, of course... I always aim to please."

These two went off to prom that night, I think? It's been awhile okay

So they both did pretty well for themselves... Roland won Prom King with no issue but Tess had to bribe the whole school to make her Queen. They both landed love interests by the end of the night, but they were both face-ones and it was at that point that I decided to do what I had been wanting to do for a while--move the family. It was just that the face-ones cemented it haha.

Well that's about all I have to say for this update. You've been great, readers. Sorry I didn't respond to any comments for the last post, but I hit that point where I was kind of burned out on TS3 for a little while and wanted to stay away from it and my sims LJ for a little while. Updates will resume soon, and you'll get plenty of them! Roland's oldest kid is like a day from becoming an adult in my save file. And as for my other legacies... uh... the Squares are getting there. Baby Terra is adult Terra right now, and I've just kind of been too lazy to update. The Knights are... I don't know about the Knights. I probably should have put some more thought into that, honestly :-/

I'll post more Kingstons sometime next week, as there's a lot to get through before I can post the next poll. And I think I'll do a poll each generation for this legacy. It's so fun seeing who you guys end up choosing! :-)

Here are some shots of Nate's precious face to wrap up this chapter:

I'm still not totally over him, okay... I still love him so! He would have been a funny heir.

Nate: What do you mean I'm not the heir? I thought you were kidding earlier!

I would never kid about that, you dope!

Nate: But... but! I'm ME!

It wasn't my call! Uh I'll see you next time, readers! Until then, happy simming <3~!

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Torch Holders: 1
Sim Failing School: 0
Visit from Service Sim: 1
Pass Outs: 0
Self-Wettings: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Fires: 1
Fights: 0
Births: 4
Twin Births: 0
Triplet Births: 0
Achieved LTW: 0
Sims on Honor Roll: 1
Randomizing LTW and traits for a whole generation: 0
Every 100,000 Simoleons: 0
Fired from job: 0

sims, the sims 3, kingston family isbi, ts3, the sims

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