Jun 13, 2006 22:57
What kind of question is that?! It's just one word. I can't answer a one word question. I believe what is it trying to ask is: "What is your name?" Assuming this postulate, my name is:
Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gumbigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre André Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. You could also just call me:
Single or Taken?
I am single. I haven't been kidnapped yet...
Happy about that?
I am glad that no one has taken me away AKA kidnapped me, yes.
Again with the one word questions! I do believe this is could pose a problem. You see, the word 'sex' has two completely different meanings. The first definition is being one's gender. The second being the sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior. I am going to answer the first definition and relieve you of any more rambling by saying: Male.
1 brother.
Eye color?
White, brown, black, and sometimes red when they're irritated.
Shoe Size?
2,649.5 WIDE
1,828.8 millimeters
Innie or Outie?
Innie. WAY in.
Righty or lefty?
Can you make a dollar in change right now?
Yes I can. 12 different ways.
Do you have a b/f or g/f?
I hope that means boyfriend or girlfriend. If that being the case, then I would say no. I also don't have "b/f"s or "g/f"s...whatever they are.
Best place to go for a date?
The calendar.
Kind of pants?
Fitting ones.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196
I tie between a snake and a monkey.
Gatorade, would be my favorite. Lemon-lime, more specifically.
Tennis, Swimming, and Martial Arts.
See above. Unless Gatorade isn't considered a "juice".
Waffles, or Pop Tarts. Or waffle-flavored Pop Tarts.
-------Have You Ever...
Given anyone a bath?
Yes. Myself.
Made yourself throw-up?
In the sense that I ate something that gave me food poisoning.
Gone skinny dipping?
Anytime I "dip"...it's considered skinny dipping since I'm skinny.
Eaten a dog?
Yes. And I also have eaten a hot dog.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?
Loved someone so much it made you cry?
Yup. "I love you.....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...gimme a cupcake!!!"
Broken a bone?
Yes...I took this bone that I found on the ground once, and I freakin' smashed it into pieces.
Played truth or dare?
I dare you to ask me again.
Been on a plane?
No. I've been IN a plane.
Came close to dying?
Not yet.
Been in a sauna?
Forty-two. Oh, I'm sorry....yes.
Been in a hot tub?
Yes. There's one in my backyard!
Swam in the ocean?
Yes. Wait, no. Just kidding...I have. PSYCHE! No, really, I have. NOT! Seriously...I did.
Fallen asleep in school?
Never ever never in my entire life.
Ran away?
From what? The starting line? Yes, I did run away from the starting line to get to the finish line.
Broken someone's heart?
Yup...I ripped into someone's chest, yanked out their heart, and then slammed it across my knee. Then I said I was sorry and ate it.
Cried when someone died?
Cried in school?
Fell off your chair?
I don't own any 'chair'... :(
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
I don't know how to do that. Phones....what are those?
Saved AIM conversations?
Probably. Then I deleted them.
Saved e-mails?
Made out with JUST a friend?
Used someone?
...as what? A device to clean the substances found around the border of the toilet bowl? To help scrub away the stains of urine and stool in order to sterilize the lavoratory? No, no I haven't.
Been cheated on?
This one time, I was playing solitaire, and it was a close game, but I wasn't paying attention, because I just had this bean burrito from Taco Bell that really makes me burp a lot, so I wasn't focused, but I managed to move that one card that looks like a guy stabbing himself in the head, from the deck that I got for sale at this flea market in Florida that my grandparents always talk about, but I always just say "Yeah, uh huh, whatever," but never really do anything about until one time I gave in and went, and luckily I was able to find the deck of cards that I used to play solitaire with and was cheated on; also I found this really cool train set at the flea market that looked like my old train set, but it had a set of two steam locomotives that when you put water, or some other chemical, maybe it is water, in the smoke stack, steam comes out, but then I look in my pocket for money, and got my wallet out only to see that I was out of money, but my wallet was in great condition, because I was able to get a great bargain at this retail store that sold wallets at a discounted price. Yeah, I was cheated on....
-------------What is...
Your good luck charm?
Nothing. So I'm always lucky!
New favorite song?
I don't know. What is new favorite song in YOUR opinion?!?
What's your room like:
What is beside you?
My mouse and keyboard. Well, My keyboard is actually below me, being typed upon.
Last thing you ate?
What kind of shampoo do you use?
Pert Plus.
-----------Ever Had....
Chicken pox?
No. Never will.
Sore Throat?
Broken nose?
------------------Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?
Like picnics?
Like school?
Some parts are enjoyable...while others are less-enjoyable.
...Will do some more later.