Jan 09, 2010 13:27
Dearest Diary,
Where to start? That is always the question when one comes to a new year isn't it? I mean I reflect on the last year and all the people I have met and the people that have left. It seems like a constant thing in our lives. I spent the holidays with a very good and dear friend who was happy to host me for a few months while I sorted stuff out. Of course that friend was part of the sorting out (hearts drawn here).
I haven't actually gone home yet. I've been staying at the family house, or the kin house for a few. I mean Fallon didn't tell me not to go, but she didn't really encourage it either. Partly because it was all the way on the other side of the the country. I needed some new perspective and a change really. I think I got both... maybe. I mean I was sure that I had everything under control and my first day back. Well let's just say the more things change the more they stay the same.
Anyways --- I'm back at Hidden Walk and almost done with my junior year. Wow. Gabe has well been called away, which is probably for the best in all things considered. I saw a friend when I got into town. Friendships are sometimes more complicated than romance. I missed him incredibly bad while I was gone. So it was good to get some pizza and catch up. Now to get him to fix my car for free and we are all good. Yep... all good.
A new year and a new adventure. Can't wait to see what it holds.
(OOC: Yep - Sadie is back on screen)