
Jun 27, 2008 20:59

It's the third annual Veterans Day today. Well, for the next few hours at least. Apart from the website on which I happened to be looking for something else, I can only assume that the press release is on one of the few CDs or laptops the government as a whole hasn't manage to lose lately and thus it didn't manage to escape. Even digging a bit on the BBC News site doesn't reveal much. "Caretaker wins ladder fall case" is more important.

Dear Past Members of the Armed Services,

Thanks for clearing up when the politicians have fucked up and doing lots of other things that many people wouldn't even do if paid to. Sorry that (especially recently) lots of people seem to think that it's *you* that start wars and decide to invade places then give you a hard time when you come back, especially if you have been injured where the poor quality of care you may receive on returning home is absolutely shocking (even though all the nurses, etc. may be doing all they can).

Special thanks to all Gurkhas past and present who are amazingly poorly treated even by MOD standards.

Highest Regards,

A Complete Wuss.
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