i got e v e r y t h i n g..my friends..i think

Jul 27, 2004 21:55

me n shelley r pratically jeijcioeipaiars now ((thats rich talk for we gotta lotta money bc we sing songs)) haha well heres our kool song...

i got everything..my friends..i think

Gmslilkewtie03: I GOT DIAMOND RINGS
Gmslilkewtie03: BUT IF I DONT HAVE YOU...((its all good)) BC I HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE!!
Gmslilkewtie03: YAHHOOOO
Gmslilkewtie03: WOAH
Gmslilkewtie03: YEA WHOOYA

cheerbabygrl6: 10 years from nowwwww... ill be your frienddd.. (mAyBe) ill be your friennd and we can be friendsssss
cheerbabygrl6: ThEn....
cheerbabygrl6: BOOM were not friends you jerk

^*^could u tell we were a lil highper when we wrote that??? haha or TGT

and for all our fans...dont even think bout tryin to steal our lyrics! haha

cheerbabygrl6: haha oh no if they steal we shall kill:-Phahahahaha

<3 ya shelley!
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