Mar 14, 2004 23:34
Right now, the most popular politician in California is a Republican governor. Granted, he's still in the 'honeymoon' stage of his office, but the latest poll I have seen has his approval rating at 63%. That's high.
George W. Bush's campaign fund is, right now, exponentially larger than John F. Kerry's is. That means that he can play games. Bush does not need California to win an election; Kerry cannot win the election without California.
Kerry is now leading Bush in the most recent polls, and he has all the momentum in the world from his unobstructed path to the nomination in what was supposed to be a wide-open race. But, based partially on the Governor's popularity and partially on Nader's entry into the race, Kerry has to be at least mildly concerned that California might be up for grabs.
What Bush has to do is this: treat California like it's a governor's race. Get at least three or four campaign offices up and running, pour millions into the state in advertising and direct mailings, and grab as many undecided voters as possible. He doesn't need to win California, but he'll win the race if he makes Kerry defend California. Then Bush, with his superior campaign war-chest, can make a unilateral push for the states that will decide the election. Make Kerry waste his resources in California, and he can steal Pennsylvania or Ohio and will not need to put up as large a defense in some of the southern states that may or may not be up for grabs.
I'm not rooting for it, but this is how it can be done. That's all.