Apr 29, 2003 10:24
Research paper: one or two more revissions and it will be polished... Long, but polished.
Reflective essay: First coat of polish has been applyied, one sanding and another coat of varnish and it'll be pristine.
AI Project: The basic crosses and hoops is done (which is a tiny tiny bit of code), however none of the AI is done. The manual (and README) and the first section of the paper are both done... 3 sections left. It will be a C++ comandline program that can be commpiled with g++ or djgpp (so it won't have a fancy GUI, but it will kick the users butt), after the AI is done I will begin writting a CGI version of the code (if time permits) so that it becomes a lot more substantial and powerful. It bothers me because Chris' team is a lot farthure along (or at least appears to be).