Mar 31, 2005 04:31
everybody else does this shit, i was feeling left out. but i couldnt just copy one from someones journal, so i took one someone sent me like years ago. enjoy more pointless knowledge about me! sorry i'm such a freakin follower....haha
What time is it?: 4:30 AM
Nicknames: gmoney, g-man, red, boy, revolver, the standard, kent, hey you, asshole
What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? cool!
Eye color: Green with orange and gold
Place of birth: new milford, ct, an eighth of a mile from where i'm currently sitting...
Been toilet papering: uh....
Love someone so much it made you cry: yeah i hope she knows who she is, or i might cry....oh damn
Been in a car accident: pretty bad one, thats why i stutter and can't play infield in baseball anymore
Croutons or bacon bits: ooooh croutons!
Favorite day of the week: saturdayyyyy, although recently wednesday!
Favorite restaurants: alfredos, old jailhouse (orleans, ma), ihop w/ amjad
Favorite flower: Lilacs, i have a tree right outside my window. a lilac one.
Favorite sports to watch: i cant watch soccer because i'll wish i was playing it and get hockey and baseball
Favorite drink: dr. pepper, manhattans, amaretto sour
Favorite ice cream: phish food, coffee
Favorite junk food: those cookies and cream bites, that seem to be out of circulation
Disney or Warner Brothers: disney....although i miss those animaniacs and pinky and the brain a lot
Favorite fast food restaurant: oh n' out, that was pretty damn good, thanks taytay....
What color is your bedroom carpet: i gave up on carpet, it got smelly and messy.
How many times did you fail your driver's test? bitch i aced it, both parts.
Before this one, from who did you get your last e-mail? my lover
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: virgin megastore....i'm addicted to music....HINT FREAKIN HINT GET ME GC's THERE!
What do you do most often when you are bored: think about christine, write, play freecell or something athletic
Bedtime: sometime in the AM, no fail
Longest bungee jump: one time i jumped out of this brother said he'd hold my belt and it'd be like a bungee jump. he was lying
Favorite TV shows: family guy! simpsons, friends.
What are you listening to right now: interpol
What is your favorite color: dark green, or if you've seen my room, thats a close second
Lake, ocean, or river: ocean beats everything, but i lived on a lake on the cape, it kicked ass for sailing
How many tattoos do you have: none, yet....i want one on my wrist area
Any Piercings: none, cept that time that splinter went thru my hand
Which came first; the chicken or the egg? oh man, god hatched an egg. he's god, shit he can do whatever he wants. actually he hatched two, so that there were one of each gender. but then they just were having incestual relations, those dirty chickens, thats why theyre so retarted now.