(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 14:34

I got a new email address!!


I love my life, I love my friends, I love my family, and my education.

Everything is going so well right now and I'm happy for everyone and it's definitely Spring because love is blossoming everywhere!!

Byron and Bailey!
Sarah and Wes!
Chris and Shelly!
Kenny and Ronda!

Anyone else that's together and happy!?!? My parents, and my sister and her boyfriend Anthony, and my brother Nick and his girlfriend Jessica!! I just love this time of year and everything is working itself out. School's almost out, highschool is almost over. I'll have to say goodbye to people that I love, perhaps not forever, but it's goodbye all the same. To my friends that are leaving..

Sarah, Chris, Giulie, Megan, Brooke, Ronda, Molly, Jessica, Evin * I believe is leaving* I'm gonna miss you guys so much, and I love you!! It's hard to say goodbye to everything you've known.

To my friends that will be staying here...Byron, Shelly, Heather, Louisa, Bailey, Jared, Evan, Gretchen...I love you guys too!! And I'm glad you'll still be near me and I hope we stay in touch...

Our lives are going to be changed dramatically...We won't see the people that we see everyday...But I suppose some quotes will go good right here...Off to college quotes...*Or for those of you still in HS, a new year...quote(s), lol*

"True potential lies hidden beyond what is simple and easy. Don't limit yourself -- try the difficult."

"You become succesful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal."

"Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force."

"Always be the first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else."

"The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort - he never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature."

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change."


"Character consists of what you do on the third or fourth tries."


"Regrets are left behind when you enthusiastically attack the opportunity of each moment."

There's many more...But I suppose this is getting boring to you...Like I said I just want all of you to know that I love you!! And no matter what happens after June 7th, 2005 *WAHOOO* I hope we all stay in touch, all of you have been there for me in some way throughout my life and I wouldn't be who I am today without all of you.

Hugs! Loves! And say NO to Drugs!


And to the one who at this point in time is not really my friend, I love you too...But I already said goodbye.
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