Retrospective part 1

Apr 24, 2009 20:12

So, after school ended, I entered the usual crash, sleep, game cycle that I've always entered for the past two years I've been at AC. After the first few days, I decided I needed to shift some stuff around my room and went through the tediousness of going through all the drawings and paintings I've done. It is something to look back on.

It seems weird thinking back of how naive I was coming into this school. It sort of was a double-edged sword swallowing all the workload from the get go. It's true that I was not as good as most people coming into school at that time. I knew that, but I felt somewhat competent to catch up. I just didn't realize how hard it was going to be especially with the education I was given at the start.

I knew the curriculum was going down the drain. Bryan, my cousin, told me about how the Illustration major was slowly whittling away its foundation courses. Most of the good teachers were gone, and the few left were starting to be pushed aside. I even saw it myself during these two years. My point to all this is that my first term was not what I needed at the time. I needed some sort of guidance with a lot of things, but what I got instead was half-assed assignments somehow dealing with the essentials and creativity. I felt it was complete bullshit. I just didn't know how bullshit-y it was.

Second term was probably the one that "woke" me up to it all. For the most part, I handled my classes fine except for one. I struggle really hard with Jeff Smith because I lacked the technical skill to keep up with my concepts. What really made me angry, besides being blown off every time, was not getting any advice from him. It really ticked me off when he finally said during my final to go draw some more. Tell me now, huh.

That term probably hurt me more than help me in some way or another. The next term I decided to take the term off because I wanted to fall away from it all. Yeah, I went emo. Stupid. Instead of really looking for help, I just wanted to bury myself in the holiday releases flooding at that time (Bioshock, Rock Band, Orange Box, Halo 3, etc.). I still drew, but not as much as I should have been to catch up.

And, to be honest, it was kind of depressing to end the year buried with videogames. So, that was year one at Art Center. Realizing the crushing truth that I'm not up to snuff really did affect me at the time, but, by the time January 2008 hit, I was ready to rock and roll again.

Sooooo, that was depressing. So, till my next entry:

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