This was a triumph....fuckin' a....too tired.
Ummm ignore that first bit. I'm getting delusional from nothing. Like a space dust, a spectacle that is as glorious as a Traflandolor's mafffta. I seem to be in some sort of stasis that is not produced by any device. Not even by a crystal matrix. I know it's surprising, but I feel like I am in a state of non-being...They say that the same sensation can be achieved by having a Nargul seal lick your sypher in your ear. Heard it's awesome...but I digress.
So, yeah...I got through my 3rd term with lots of through it though....
This probably represents best of what it was like:
Extreme Kirby will fuck you up. End of story.
Examples of work? No...okay maybe one...
Too lazy to post other ones...why? cuz most are not digital :( And I'm lazy. Laziness is good :)