Monday Night Irish Class, May 16, 2011

May 17, 2011 20:35

Irish Class, May 16, 2011 Rang Gaeilge, 16ú lá Mí na Bealtaine 2011
Starting with Scottish Gaelic / Gallic

From the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.

  1. Gabh uallach airson do ghnìomhan fhèin, bi mothachail dha cunnartan nàdair agus giùlain thu fhèin gu sàbhailte.

    S.GIrish gabhgabhtake, hold uallachfreagrachtconcern, worry, responsibility ualachburden airsondon, ar mhaithe lefor, for the sake of gnìomhangníomhaíocht, gníomharthaactions mothachailmothaiteachconscious, aware cunnartancontúirt, contúirtídangers nàdarnádúrnature giùlainiomparconduct, behavior sàbhailtesábháiltesafe
    [Posted English:] Take responsibility for your own actions.
    Be aware of natural hazards and act safely.

  2. Biodh spèis agad dha dìomhaireachd is fois inntinn dhaoine eile.

    S.GIrish spèisesteem, affection, regard measrespect agadagatat you, you have dìomhaireachdmystery, confidentiality, privacy príobháideachtaprivacy foisrest, leisure inntinnmind, intellect suaimhneas intinnepeace of mind
    [Posted English:] Respect people's privacy and peace of mind

  3. Cùm pìos ar faibh bho thaighean is ghàrraidean.

    S.GIrish cùmcoimeádkeep, observe, maintain pìospiece, section ar faibh achar réasúnta, fhad réasúntareasonable distance bhoófrom taigheantithehouses gàrraideangairdínígardens
    [Posted English:] Keep a reasonable distance from houses and gardens.

  4. Cuidich le sàbhailteachd obair tuathanach is uachdarain le bhith a' cumail air faibh bho obair sam bith agus cùm sùil a-mach airson obair leithid leagall chraobhan.

    S.GIrish Cuidichcuidighhelp, assist sàbhailteachdsábháilteachtsafety tuathanachfeirmeoirfarmerIrish pl. feirmeoirí uachdarantiarna talúnlandlordIrish pl. tiarnaí talún úinéirí talúnlandowners cumailkeeping obair sam bithany work cùm sùil a-machkeep an eye out craobhcraobhtree (s.g,), branch (Irish)Irish crann "tree"
    [Posted English:] Help farmers and landowners to work safely by keeping away from any work and watch out for activities such as tree felling.

  5. Fàg geataichean, feansaichean agus ballaichean mar a fhuair thu iad.

    S.GIrish geataicheangeataígatesIrish spelling reform in the plurals here?? feansaicheanfáltafencesIrish sing. fál ballaicheanballaíwalls
    Irish would not lenite fuair here.

    [Posted English:] Leave gates, fences or walls as you find them

  6. Na cuir bacadh air inntrigeach no frith-rathad.

    S.GIrish bacadhbacainnimpediment, obstacle intrigenter bealach isteachentrance frith-rathadcosánpath, lane
    [Posted English:] Do not block an entrance or a path.

  7. Seall a bheil slighean eile an mus tèid thu a-steach do achadh far a bheil beathaichean.

    S.GIrish seallfeiclook, see tabhair faoi dearanote, note that musbefore tèidgo roimh dul isteachbefore entering achadhachad, páircfield beathachainmhíanimalIrish pl. ainmhithe
    [Posted English:] Look for alternative routes before entering a field with animals.

  8. Na toir biadh dha na beathaichean.

    S.GIrish biadhbiafood
    [Posted English:] Do not feed the animals.

  9. Bi mothachail dha urchaireachd is stalcaireachd.

    S.GIrish mothachailmothaiteachaware, conscious lámhachshooting stalcaireachdstalcaireachtstalking
    [Posted English:] Take account of shooting and stalking.

  10. Coisich timmcheall ar barran a tha a' fàs.

    S.GIrish Coisich timcheallSiúil timpeallwalk aroundS.G. coisich seems to be related to Irish cos "foot" bàrr, pl. barranbarr pl. barracrop
    [Posted English:] Walk around the perimeter of growing crops.

  11. Biodh cùram agad dhan àrainneachd agus fàg i mar a fhuair thu i.

    S.GIrish àrainneachdtimpeallachtenvironment
    [Posted English:] Care for the environment and leave it as you find it.

  12. Thoir do sgudal dhachaigh leat agus tog salchar do choin

    S.GIrish sgudalrubbish, trash dachaighhome toglift, build, raise salcharsalachardirt, filth coincúdog, hound
    [Posted English:] Take litter home and pick up your dog's faeces.

We also read an Irish review of Fast Five.
clóighcleave, adhereclóigh le "stick with" foirmleformula Clóigh le foirmle atá ag obair.Stick with the formula that works. dóchalikely manasign, portent, motto sráidstreetf2 pl sráideanna sraithcourse, layer, series, row, taxsraitheanna spéirbheanbeautiful womanLit. "sky woman". gs, npl spéirmhná. gplspéirbhan éadaiclothes gastaclever, neat ealaínart leaganversion céannasame, like tháinigcamep. of tar maitheasgoodness, go iontuin them áirithecertain más, máif taitin lepleasetaitníonn sí liom "I like her" munar unless suimsum, amount teitheadhflight, evasion údarásauthority poilínpoliceman iar-phoilínformer policeman cimeprisoner iar-chimeformer prisoner goidtheft, larcenyf3 gs gada díoltóirseller, dealer cumhachtachpowerful láthairplace, location, spot faoi láthairat present chun cur isteach orthuto get in their way, to interrupt them múnlamold[as in shaping something] airde riamhhighest ever

will's class, irish, scottish gaelic

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