Apr 18, 2005 05:22
OH fuck yeah so I am building this nice big web site for my humanities 304 class right and I thought it was do today like at 1pm the 18th and I just looked online and it is due on wed!!!!
Oh man so I have been up all night trying to get this thing done and fuck me in the goat ass that is all I have to say!!!
Ok well it is my 25th birthday today and I plan on doing some photo work, some sound design for the dance show this weekend, and maybe have a beer up at all the bars since it is my birthday. But I will have to be in class at 9am tuesday so not too much. What else? Oh the play is over, I am soooooo glad that was the longest 8 weeks EVER!!!!!!!!!!! And I got all my computers back so I can be online agian. Well it is 530am or so and I am going to need to get some sleep so I will talk to all you posers later!!!