Apr 28, 2009 11:21

You know, I originally decided to post these legacies to LJ, despite it taking that much longer to actually post them compared to the Exchange (it takes about an hour to prepare a post here after I've written everything up in Word, only a couple of minutes for the Exchange on a good day) for a few reasons. One of the main ones was I wanted to post picspam in the same place as the actual legacies. Haven;t done much picspam posting yet, but that's abot to change. It's time for a picspam post!

Suppose better actually say where I'm up to with the next update. I'm making fairly steady progress on writing it up - a few pictures aday. I'm hoping to have it ready soon, but unfortunately I don't know when. As for playing, well I'm almost done playing this chapter out. All of the kids of generation 2 (14 in all across the 4 families) have been born. I think 9 of them are kids now, 3 are toddlers, and 2 are babies, but when I next play those two families I'll be up to 5 toddlers and no babies! Barring any accidents of course.

Now that's out of the way, time for the picspam! There's some possible spoilers in this post, if you consider that I've got pics of 2 kids who weren't born last update as toddlers, a load of kids who were babies in the last update and a couple who were toddlers too to be spoilers. If not then clicky!

I think these two were born last update. This is Ruby (yelled dress, short hair) and Gemma (pink dress, long hair) Jacobs, Mel and David's twin daughters. as you can probably tell they're not identical - far from it. They've each managed to be as much of a blend of their parents as possible and come out looking completely different. Neither of them inherited the same feature from the same parent besides hair and eye colour. Personalitywise they're very similar though - I think one of them has 1 more nice point and 1 more playful or outgoing point than the other, but besides that their personalities are the same.

More pictures of them include grumpy faces ^

And actually cooperating for a picture. Yeah, the two of them are kids now. They've got the same colours as toddlers - pink for Gemma, yellow for Ruby. They've only just become kids though, so they haven't exactly done a lot yet as children.

Next up, over to the Mertons! As you can see, here's Todd, Ross' alien son, and Ivan, his human son, a couple of hours after I toddlerise Ivan. These two were adorable when they played together.

^ Todd as kid moments before Ivan grew up

^ And the boys together after Ivan grew up and all the guests were sent home.

I'm pretty sure that Kaylynn was pregnant last update, and that pregnancy resulted in this little one - blonde haired, blue eyed Amelia.

She toddlerised the same day Ivan grew into a child, actually. And you can see from her toddler vs. baby pics that I decided to change my defaults part way through :D

All three of the Merton kids - Todd, Ivan and Amelia all have very similar facial patterns. I've done a few checks in bodyshop, and when I'm compared what they'd look like if all three had the same genetics (gender, skin tone, hair colour and eye colour) as adults although they're very similar looking, they're not quite identical. Most of it comes down to Ross having ridiculously strong genes compared to Kaylynn or Todd's alien parent.

But that's enough talking! MOAR PICTURES!

Over to the Browns! Again, I'm pretty sure Kate was pregnant at the end of the last chapter. Turned out it was twins again, these two boys in fact. That's Declan with the brown hair, and Edmund with the black hair. I'm not sure why, but these two don't really... I'm kinda indifferent to these two, actually. All the 12 other kids in the four families for gen 2 I love. Some I love more than others, but I still love them. These two? Kinda meh. They'll probably grow on me - they've only been toddlerised for a matter of hours, but that was more than enough for the other 12 to make me adored them. These two? Kinda bland. Like beige.

But for every sim child I'm not keen on, there's at least one that I like, usually loads more. For example, Declan and Edmund's big brother Bayley.

And Bayley's twin sister, and Decland and Edmund's big sister, Cole. I adore these two, same for Alice though I haven't got a picture handy right now. Have done since they were toddlerised.

But yeah, Bayley and Cole are kids now. Bayley's a clone of Alice, but I've known that since they were born. I couldn't be bothered to exit and roll the dice in CAS. Yay for laziness!

Remember this little guy? No? Well he was a baby last time you saw him. This is Gideon Stanton, Quinn and Gilbert's second born and Charlie's little brother. Takes after his mother in terms of looks about as much as his sister takes after their father.

And as a kid with Charlie.

:D These two are fun together.

And I think that's all the picspam I got so far.

merton, brown, picspam, jacobs, stanton, gen 2

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