Okay, next chapter? Practically done. Got a couple more slides that I want to add in, then I need to proof read everything but that's it. Depending on a few things, should be posted tomorrow - I just hope Boolprop's got it's issues sorted out for good by then so I can update the thread.
Aaaaanyway, the reason I'm posting this is that I'm bored and can't sleep and it's 3:42am, so I decided to do something that I've been meaning to do for a little while and that's post pictures of the various spares' children I've got running around the hood, along with whoever else, and actually, y'know post them. I don't usually think of doing that in the normal picspam posts because a) there's so many sims in the main households and b) even more in the others.
Starting with the miscellaneous lot...
That Ramirez children. You're familiar with Tessa's, if not from your game then from my legacies at the very least. Well, her parents went and had 3 more kids - 2 planned for story purposes that never quite worked out, and the third an ACR baby.
And here they are - the twins, Carmen and Juan (Vicki's boyfriend), and baby of the family, Alita. All three kids are actually a lot better looking than their big sister. Sure, Juan's face looked a little squished in, but apart from that all three are very good looking. As I've said before, Tess is a little... Meh.
The Ramirez kids are the only miscellaneous lot, so onto the spares' kids. Here's the Huerta children, the spawn of Alice Brown and Dominique Huerta. I think I've complained about Alice's habit of multiples before on LJ if not in story. Well, here they are, triplets Benjamin, Daisy and Christopher, and their younger ACR twin brothers, Ellis (left of Daisy) and Franklin (right of Daisy).
Nothing much to say on them - still kinda annoyed at Alice for giving my triplets then getting pregnant again - with twins. Nothing to be done though. Benji, on the far left, is currently dating Nadine Jacquet, and the others... might be dating. I can't actually remember though.
Speaking of the Jacquets...
They've grown a bit since I last showed them. The teen in pink is Nadine. Other teen is Louise - she grew up my last play session, so I've only really made her over and nothing else. On the sofa are the twins - Daria in blue and Quinn in pink. Not much to say about them, other than I keep getting them confused despite not looking alike. Guess I don't spend enough time on them.
Next up at the children of Cole Brown and Professor Craig Kosmokos. In the back there is Dahl, and the other four at the quads - Elijah, Georgia (in the middle), Felicia (black hair) and Hannah (blue). Think I mentioned that Harry Brown's purple skintone appeared because it was geneticised - Hannah's it from the same set, and I think the only two non-natural coloured skins I have geneticised besides the alien green.
Bayley Brown and Sterling Beckett ended up adopting 3 boys. First there was Griff, adopted as a child. Now he's clearly a teen. Then Merlin (redheaded child) was adopted as a toddler, while Duncan was adopted as a baby shortly after that.
The Byalls? Big family.
This lot are Todd's kids, and yep - there's 7 of them, and all actually got a different combination of hair, eye and skintones. I was impressed.
Anyway, this lot are, in rough order of birth, John (brown hair, alien eyes on sofa), Rygel (red hair - Todd's probe baby), triplets Chiana (alien skin, human eyes), Aeryn (black hair, alien eyes) and Moya (alien eyes, brown hair), and twins Bialar (completely human looking) and Dargo (alien eyes, brown haired toddler). And unless I go completely insane, they will not be getting an more siblings.
Moving onto the smaller families in the hood, we have the Wilsons (Gideon's kids), with Mara and Owen. You should be able to tell them apart. Anyway, these pair are still actually two of my favourite sims. I kinda wish I could dedicate time to them in the story. Unfortunately there's not enough space for them or any other spare's kids.
Non-sofa pic! Aw yeah!
Ah, anyway. These two are Gemma and Ivan's kids and are actually the first kids born in my hood to two sims who are born in game. Everyone else has at least 1 townie for a parent. The girl is Jade Merton, and the boy is Matthew Merton.
These are Ed's triplets, the Wendland boys. From left to right, we have Freddy, George and Hugo. I do get these three mixed up a lot, even though none of them look alike or are dressed alike.
And the final spares house is Ruby's. These two are her kids with Professor Kevin Chalmers - Susan and Mortimer.
Huh. That's only, what? 10 spare's houses? That's fewer that I thought I had.
That's enough from me though! I'm off to bed!