New Game Notions

Jul 15, 2013 10:07

Two events on Thursday led to some thinking about the pending game: first, the birth of Erik, a fine, handsome lad; and second, the long-awaited game session with Michael, Bruce, Carol, Nova and Shaun. Both lead to congratulations and happy smiles, but the latter prompts your GM to action.
We could just do a simple dungeon crawl, using D and D 3.5 rules and something from Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics line. This would only take a few players, dice and a visit to the Shelf of Doom. This would be the easy choice for your GM.
However, the genre in which I tend to do my best work is that of superheroes. Your GM has five editions of Champions, complete sets of Smallville and DC Adventures, most of MWP's Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, a pdf of the core books for Mutants and Masterminds and several other systems. I could mine both the S.o.D. and my comics collection for story ideas.
Maybe it's the fine summer weather, or maybe I'm just getting past the depression of this past twelve months, but your GM feels better than I have in a long time. Who will join me?
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