Legionnaire Log 001

Jun 18, 2008 17:10

Dark Legion -- Grandmaster Kragok
Legionnaire Log: Entry 01

Location: 'Econtra', separate Zone. Zone numerical identification unknown/unregistered. See noted special circumstances.
---Circumstances of Arrival: Legion Grandmaster was forcefully extracted from 'Twilight Zone', Zone, by assailants unknown, though construed as entities 'Entropi'(see relevant information further down in entry).

Special Note: Captors: "Entropi" -- Unknown alien race. Determined simultaneous incorporeal/corporeal body, described as being formed of lightning (suggests sentient energy based lifeform?). Has been noted with capabilities of passing through walls and similar physical obstructions. Compare and contrast to files for Robotnik subjects: "SWAT-bots" and "COM-bots". Estimated Legion Threat Rating is 84/100.

Special Note: Captors: Technology: "Cuff" -- Unknown cuff of unrecognized material. Supplies either electric shock for conditioning training or induces semi-comatose state with unregistered sedative formula. Effects not witnessed, but related and supported through second-hand experience. Cuffs have other important feature: Cuffs are apparently capable of 'reprogramming' designates they are attached to, removing free will and impulsive free-thinking mannerisms. Subject becomes a drone. See and compare/contrast [Doctor Ivo Robotnik: Technology: Roboticizer] for similarities and differences.

Noted Residents - [Residents Listed are only those met in person for most relevant information]
[[Dark Legion Encryption // Unhackable]]
Harth Fray - Subject is a human appearing individual, about one hundred fifty-eight centimeters tall. Subject has above-average [rated observable level: 6+/10] agility, moving silently enough to reduce sensory detection by forty-nine percent. Subject does not appear on default thermal imaging. Subject makes no detectable breaths except during dialogue. Estimated Legion Threat Rating: Insufficient intelligence to make an appropriate guess. 46/100 to be safe.
[[/End Encryption]]

*special entry: legion log, ou: [pgsm] mizuno ami, *special entry: report

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