Asked about an overall series name, and I've been aware that I need one myself, considering that if I post everything to Teaspoon eventually I'll have to link them together somehow.
Here's what I have so far, storywise:
How the Doctor was Won: Or The Trials of Trying to Catch a Stubborn Time Lord. (First Doctor/TARDIS, Second Doctor/TARDIS, pre-Jamie)
All About the Doctor and Jamie (Second Doctor/Jamie/TARDIS)
The Doctor in Exile (Third Doctor/TARDIS, may also cover 4-8 depending, NOT Penned, This is still in the planning stages, I want to get How the Doctor was Won finished before starting this one)
Doctor Who and the Great Eclipse (Nine/Riddick pre-slash, Nine/TARDIS)
Doctor Who and the Ties that Bind (Nine/Riddick, Nine/TARDIS, TARDIS/Rose pre-femslash?)
Doctor Who and the Tangled Web (Nine/Riddick/TARDIS/Rose, yep all together... building toward that magic number of 7 here, hints of Nine/Inara, Nine/Riddick/Mal, Inara/Mal, and River/TARDIS/Rose possible maybe Definite Kaylee/Simon comin' this way....)
Doctor Who and ?? (Trying not to think too far ahead here, definite pairings, much ground to cover, Quite possible this is a crossover with Second/Jamie, unless I can fit that bit into Tangled Web.)
OK.... So now we need an overall series name. (And I thought the other info would help...) I'm trying for profound, not exactly knock-you-over-the-head corny, slightly obscure, and not already used. Hah.
I'll toss so things out and see how they sit. None of these are final.
Eternal Double-Triads
Elemental Bonds
The Soul Web Series
Eleven is a Sacred Number
The Most Powerful Emotion
Threads of Time
Not Human, Remember?
But Who Are You?
Also suggested:
"A time & place for love?" or "For Love Series"
And from my Husband... "The Psycho, The Time Traveler, and Friends"