Mar 21, 2009 21:39
Okay, now this may be a silly topic, but it recently (within the last few months) I was having a discussion with a client of mine how children understand status symbols just as well as adults do.
While we "adults" use a fancy car, cell phone, or big screen TV as a status symbol, some consciously, some maybe not so... kid status symbols are much cheaper, but I think equally as prevalent.
So what are these status symbols? The one I came up with was the box of crayons. At least when I was at school, if you had a big box of crayons, you were cool... in some circles, anyway. I just pulled out my kick-ass box of 96 crayons. As I recall, it was the biggest box available at the time. It has the built in sharpener built into the back of the box and is copyright 1994.
Yeah, I was badass. I wasn't quite smooth enough to say something on the level of "Hey baby, wanna go color something," but I'm pretty sure I got some nasty looks from the guys with boxes of only 48 or so.
Don't ask me why this came to mind tonight, while watching an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.