Mar 07, 2008 00:55
The next time you, a loved one, a friend, a relative, or some person you know who prowls various city dumpsters happens to be flying on a US Airways flight which offers the $5.00 snack box, and it happens to be purchased, could you relay a tiny bit of information from that package to me?
The thing that I'm trying to do is to identify the cereal bar type thing inside, and contacting US Airways and getting an answer about something like this is like trying to ask an elephant how many toes are on its back right foot. Sure, they could probably look it up, but why waste the energy when you can simply say, "I dunno."
I know by the time anyone next comes across said cereal-bar-esque item, this post will be long forgotten, but heck, it was worth a shot.
In unrelated news, my work on the store has ground to a halt as a consequence of freezing temperatures and the fact that even plowed, my yard is no longer big enough to safely fit a single car. On the other side of things, I am now back to work at Ben & Bill's and we are open once again, seven days a week selling everyone's favorite cavity causing items.
I just finished the last Harry Potter book two nights ago, feeling somewhat let down by the ending. I suppose I'm not a super huge fan of JKR's tendency to have a one chapter climax with nothing to follow, really. But alas, eagerly looking forward to the Half Blood Prince movie. Now I must resort to other books that I've wanted to read for a while to intersperse with the four-page sections of reading that I am still doing from my old Honors books.
I just an hour ago finished writing chapter 9 of my second book. This book is progressing much more rapidly than the first one, and I think, I hope that's a good thing. If I can get it to approximately the same length as Turning Point: The Dalian Front, I will be happy. Once book 2 is revised I am going to seriously investigate the possibility of publishing the first one.
Lastly, with both my cars in good running order, I am eagerly awaiting two events - the departure of the snow and ice, and the rebuilding of my road which is rougher than Space Mountain at Disney World. Once the ice is off the roads then I'm going to return to driving my trusty, and relatively gas efficient Sable.