Jul 13, 2005 16:33
id·i·o·syn·cra·sy n. pl. id·i·o·syn·cra·sies
A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
Write down five of your own personal idiosyncracies. Then, if you wish, tag five people from your friendslist to do the same in their journals.
1) When I log on my computer at work, it has to be the right order of programs. If I close one by mistake, and it screws up the order, I have to close everything, and re-open them in the rigt order.
2) I hate fixing mistakes.... I would rather start all over then fix something that is existing.
3) I can't stand zits.... I have to pop them. It's a disease.... Poor tj
4) I love puzzles.
5) I hate getting out of bed. If I could, I would stay there all day. I have jammie days where I only get out to pee..... everyone climbs in with me and I spend the day sewing, reading and watching tv....
I tag noone, but if you want to do it, help yourself....