I just got back from salsa lessons/dancing with my co-interns/partners in crime. It just so happened that there were 3 girls and 3 guys- perfect! One of the guys drove us in his mini van, and of course, we blasted Cher's "Do you Believe in Love?" and had a dance party all the way there... and all the way back. Nuts! Dancing was really fun! We are going back next week for advanced beginner lessons! Oh yeah and do karaoke.
Last night we went to the free movie in the park. All you have to do is grab your favorite blanket and friend and walk to the park. The best part is it's on a hill that slopes down, and beyond the screen they have up you can see the city skyline - very cool! Oh yeah, and King Kong (the new version) has just about the most awesome action sequences ever! If the mood strikes you, I highly recommend it, if only for the 10 minute brontosauri falling on top of eachother for about 10 minutes scene.
I'm working a lot. It consumes my whole day yet I don't seem to be making as much progress as I had expected. I think I'm just overly thorough and have high expectations. I found this great new program that is super helping for what I'm doing right now, which is mostly reading and notetaking for the moment. But you might want to look into it. One of the features I've been using a lot is you can record voice notes and insert them right into your outline! I have a code that will unlock the full version if you would like. Check it out:
OmniOutliner So we had a NSF site visit at the P(ittsbugh)S(cience of)L(earning)C(enter), which is the program out of which my research internship (and my likely PhD program) is based. And we had to sit in on some of the talks. One of the NSF women asked, "So, aren't you concerned that you are training grad students for positions for which there are no jobs?" Umm RED FLAG!! They kinda stumbled over the answer for that, and basically said that the field is young and as long as there are smart people working in the learning sciences that they will come up with something. Yeah... not very comforting. I figured since the government we throwing money at creating learning scientists that it would follow that there was an anticipated demand for us. Maybe it doesn't work that way. But that's why I'm here, to put my ear to the ground and figure out what this is all about. I haven't written it off yet, but it's def been mentally noted.
Thats about it for now. Tomorrow will be filled with acid/base equilibria!! Awesome. Just like high school all over again!