We've finally closed the deal on a new car!
gamble and I have been working on getting another vehicle, on and off again, for the past month or so. His car did us fine when our offices were so close together but, now that he's moving to a job downtown, a second car seems practical.
Since the first car was his money and his choice, we decided that this next one should be mine. Today, we got quite a good price on a 2006 Subaru Forester XT from
Rally Subaru.
It isn't flashy, but I've never been a fan of flash. What I was really looking for was a blend of:
- Cargo: We like to go camping every now and again, which is becoming awkward with the addition of a growing girl. This crossover SUV is basically a wagon with a useful, boxy back-end.
- Headroom: It's tough to find vehicles that admit four six-foot-something passengers at once. The SUV styling provides a bit more vertical space than typical cars.
- Traction: The AWD and ABS are a definite step-up from the Focus, which should provide a bit more safety, and--well--fun.
- Performance: It's got a lot more punch than I'm used to, with the same 2.5L turbo engine you'd find in other Imprezas. It's also completely compatible with WRX STi parts, should I ever feel dissatisfied with 250 HP at peak torque. Given my personality, I find this scenario unlikely.
- Fuel-economy: Fuel consumption is average for a mid-sized sedan, and not at all like an SUV.
I'm terribly excited, and proud of myself for getting through the haggling process without losing what little virginity remains to me.
gamble was a great help, as always. He can do "bad cop" extremely well.
Now that the papers are all signed, it's just a waiting game. There's some last-minute dealer-prep to finish on Monday before I hand them the funds and drive off. We have to plan a weekend road trip soon!