Wonderful Even

Apr 18, 2006 11:45

Well, I have to say I'm glad I'm back in class...that sitting around and worrying shit...had me well, worried. hah. Bad news in my life consists of many different types of bad news.

One in particular, My grandfather Bryner passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was a cool guy, He was probably the only person in my entire family that I resembled, mentally. He was an all around good person and thought of others most always before himself. Until he lost his wife of 66 years to brain and lung cancer. It was always funny to listen to my grandma talk and talk and..you get it...then my grandfather would tell her to "Shut up!" in the middle of her talking. I always got a good laugh out of that...and probably where I picked it up at the age of 6. Still to this day I do that just to get a laugh out of people and a reaction. Their background, my dad's parents, was interesting too... my grandfather was fullblooded German and my Grandmother full blooded Polish...still trying to figure out the combination on that...since Pollocks are supposedly "dumb" and germans consider themselves the master race 8p. So would I be a dumb elitist? or a Smart Pollock...eh it doesn't matter...I'm just me...well new and improved with all the eye openers as of late. My dad took it pretty hard and his attitude has changed towards me but I'm not sure it's for the good but I know it's only temporary...there's a time you have to take for yourself to recover from the loss of a loved one and I give him as much support as I can until he does. It's strange to feel like I do these days...I almost feel adult-like lol. I guess I have seen the many errors in my life and think more than react now. I dunno. Oh yeah more bad news...

Well, as I said in one of my last posts my son was taken away from his mother which was very good news...it needed to happen sooner but later is better than never. But anyways DHS never called me about it and instead of doing that, which was the right thing to do, they gave my son to her ex-boyfriend...well how bout that...I'm paying for my son to have a decent life and they give him to someone not even related to the family, so I received a letter demanding more child support, which I happy to have to decline since I haven't seen my son in 6 months now~.

So yeah, life can be full of bad news...just like mountains, there are peaks and as well as valleys. That everyone has to tread at one point or another. The key is not giving up and being able to change when the time comes.

Ol' words of wisdom from a Dumb Pollock...enjoy.


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