Just a Few Fun Facts!

Nov 06, 2004 12:11

Election Stats Anyone?

President Bush won a historic victory, defeating John Kerry by more than 3.5 million votes, 58.6 million to 55.1 million (51% to 48%) and winning the Electoral College 286 to 252.

In doing so, President Bush:

- Becomes the first presidential candidate to win more than 50% of the popular vote since 1988,

- Received the most votes by any presidential candidate in history-over 58 million,
Becomes the first President re-elected while gaining seats in the House and the Senate since 1936, and the first Republican President to be re-elected with House and Senate majorities since 1924, and

- Garnered 7 million more popular votes than in 2000-more than twice the amount that President Clinton increased his vote between 1992 and 1996.

The Bush-Cheney Campaign team had the best volunteer grassroots organization activating the most sophisticated voter contact strategy in campaign history.

- 1.2 million volunteers made over 15 million contacts, knocking on doors and making calls in the 72 hours before the polls closed.

- 7.2 million e-activists were contacting their family, friends, co-workers,

- The RNC registered 3.4 million new voters, enlisted 1.4 million Team Leaders, and contacted-on a person to person basis-30 million Americans in the months leading up to and including Election Day, and

- In the final 72 hours we met 129 % of our door-knocking goal; and met 120 % of our phone-calling goal.

For the first time in modern politics an equal number of Republicans and Democrats turned out for a presidential election.

- We saw the impact of the President's convincing win in other races across the country. We increased our majorities in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, captured two Governor's races, won the Georgia House and the Tennessee Senate for the first time since Reconstruction, and won the Oklahoma House for the first time in 83 years.

In summary, Republicans improved our standing in key demographic groups and geographic areas, and President Bush won a mandate.

And YES, You still must be a "friend's only" to read my journal suckers.
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