Mar 01, 2008 03:47
JACKIE BOUGHT ME 1 1/3 POUNDS OF DARK CHOCOLATE M&MS AND I"M MAKING IT MY DUTY TO EAT IT ALL TONIGHT. I love how M&M has recently renamed all its sizes. Snack size, tear and share size, big, large, family, mammoth fat lady, richard simmons feels my pain size. I gots me a size LARGE.
3:46 AM whatchoo say?!
Quick, drop the first verse of ICe ICe BAby and prove your leetness! No cheating on others either!
P.S. WHyyyyy did they make a Culdcept for the 360! Whyyyyyyy god are you doing this to me!
"Then Paul, the kid with cystic fibrosis, started in with some wheezy, plangent, high-pitched laughter, like a castrato soloist singing through a didgeridoo. His voice had an inhumanly consistent warble to it, and the pitch of his laughter fluctuated uniformly around a stable root note, the way an electron from the tightest shell buzzes around a nucleus. And then he started to really sing. As in a song. In French. I didn't have any idea what the song was, but it was definitely French and doleful and minor in key." <- LOL image! Love for this book!
just enough chocolate,
too much caffeine,
tags r r friends,
too much sugar