I started a new
I'm not sure yet whether I'll cross post to here, or try to come up with new stuff. I think splitting my attention between two journal sites may drive me to further depths of, what's a word that encompasses "cannot be arsedness"?
I'm writing small pieces of fiction (threading together into one large piece) on Sundays over at
Schlock Magazine. I'm still not sure where it's going yet. The first thing is a short story about a scary circus, inspired by
this among other things, after I asked some friends for a few words to kick me off. The second thing is a short series of stories about a young woman called Arrabella who has no friends and a new job. Currently she's stuck in the break room of the office block where she works because the doors keep disappearing and then reappearing, only to disappear again. Oh, and there's a tramp bleeding to death on the toilet.
Just... trying to keep myself busy, you know?