In pink 8D Today was so much fun. Jeremy and I saw Valentine's Day at the blvd. The movie was really funny XD I thought Ashton Kutcher would be irritating in it, but surprisingly I liked his character. He usually irritates the shit out of me :x And Sharkboooy was in it too. LOL. And Taylor Swift. There were a shitload of people in this movie that I would not have thought to put together. But it was a really good date movie XD Cause it had parts that were funny, and parts that were sweet and sappy.
Jeremy got me this cute red and white giraffe with hearts instead of spots. His name is Smoothie. Idk why, but oookay. Jeremy paid for everything today, which was really sweet >w< Quiznos was for lunch =w= It was so tasty~ We went into Gamestop after the movie, so Jeremy could pre-register for Soul Silver. Then we went into Claire's. I got a few things, because I srsly needed some simple, small earrings. All of mine are either big, or don't go with everything. So I got some that did :> I also got a pretty ring, but it's a little tight on my finger after awhile. And I got a necklace. I wasn't going to buy it, but it was so sparkly =w= I sound so greedy D: But I hadn't gone to Claire's in awhile. Mom met me and Jeremy in Claire's, and we shopped around and I paid for what I picked out, and we left. I was really glad Jeremy liked what I gave him. I was going to buy him cotton candy, but none of the stores I went to had any D: So I drew a cute picture of us as chibis, and put cotton candy in the picture XD Along with writing a sweet message in his card. When I was on the way home with mom and my sister, who'd tagged along, Jeremy sent me the sweetest text message >/////< "I'm sorry our time was short, but I want you to know you're an amazing and beautiful woman baby and I love you so much" Omg I blushed so hard XDDD He says such sweet things to me. I'm really glad I got to spend time with him today.
On the way home, mom wanted to stop in CVS for sodas, and my medicine. While we were there, Kylie and I got her a Valentine's gift. It's a stuffed puppy with Loves Baby Soft perfume :o She picked it out, so we both know she likes it XDD I gave my sister and my brother gifts too, because I told them I'd bring them something back from Katsucon, but didn't end up able to go. Kylie gave me a beaded keychain she made me :> And mom gave me two cute bears that are all snuggled up to each other >w< They need names.
Speaking of Katsu, everyone got back today and I'm looking forward to hearing lots of con stories, and seeing pics. X3 I sent Matt with a shopping list and $60, but I heard the dealer's room wasn't that great this year. He still found me something cute :> Which was nice~ And Jenn bought me a gift too >w< I wish I could have gone and been able to hang out with her. I haven't seen her in ages. :< She told me about some drama she had over the weekend, and I hope things turn out okay. Cause I can understand her side of things, but I can also understand why people might be mad. [/vague mention of drama that isn't mine so no details XD]
Tomorrow I'm possibly going bra shopping with my grandmother. XD I hope I can go because OMG I need some new ones >.> If it doesn't snow, it'll be fine. :x Kylie's going, and mom might go too 8D I hope she does XD Cause I sorta feel bad about going out on her birfday. :< Anyway that's all for nao.