hi, welcome to urban outfitters

Oct 22, 2004 08:04

Well, I went to my job interview at Urban Outfitters the other day. :) It was my first job interview evah!!! It was really odd though because it was a group interview and on top of that they're totally renovating the store so the back office (where the meetings normally are) was completely trashed so we had to have it in the middle of the store with the lovely sound of construction workers and the store music.. meh.. Anyways I was looking totally adorable (wearing my black and white 50's style mary jane pumps and my new rocket shirt, I know Susie you want to gag now) as usual but because everyone there (3 other girls and 2 guys) are basically in competition with everyone else no one really wanted to talk and be friendly :( oo well those bitches can suck my toe. The only thing that was kinda intimating for me was the fact that I've never had a job before and some of the questions (ie what did you enjoy about your past job?) I couldn't really answer. And this fucking pissed me off: 3 of the people there already had jobs... they just wanted something "on the side" !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$%^ ishy bastards.... People need to quit being so frou frou. If you already have one job that gives tons of hours then stay away from the other ones. However, this probably wasn't in their favor because now their schedules aren't as open as someone without a job.

Oh it was pretty funny though cause the two people who I was sitting between were just perfect. On my left there was a very manly woman (who wanted to work in men's apparel) and on my right there was a very womanly man (who wanted to work in WACC, which woman's accessories).... I mean really, I'm a freaking magnet ;)Tony (the mangeress) said she'd be calling us within the week to come in and fill out forms and blah blah blah sooooo *crosses fingers* hopefully I'll get the job. If not then I'll have to go work at the vintage store in Winter Park with Lisa (?)

Next news: JEAN'S COMING TO VISIT ME TODAY. Yeah she definately signed up for the Kerry campaign just to get a free bus ticket from DC to here to visit me.... awwww shucks :) Now if only I could get everyone else to come down here so I could give them some southern hospitality *kisses*

So I don't think I'm going to classes today. Since I have the worst time management skills of life I'm backed up to my ass on homework and I want to get this shit done so I don't have to worry about it on the weekend. And I figure what's the point of going to trig when that class is like fucking Chinese to me anyways. Ann definately going to have to help me out with that.... pandar <3's her roomie!!
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