Das also war des Pudels Kern!

Mar 07, 2009 00:27

Although today was my last day of school (forever now) plus I passed my "Abitur" with quite satisfying results, I cant stop being a bit sad nevertheless. Don't know why really. It's just that it feels like I've been going to school my whooole (short) live now and suddenly it stops. Everytime something interesting happens I waited 'till the next morning and the second I've seen my friends at school I just told them. What now? 'Course I can call them but it's not really the same. Strange actually because I was looking forward to being left alone because I was sick of all that bitching and stuff BUT isn't that what makes the all-boring-daily-life a bit more interesting?^^' Just having something to gossip about.. Wonderful.
I can't even imagine having free time. Like, sleep in or something. I honestly can't imagine how it is not to have something you HAVE to get up for in the morning. Must feel like skipping school every day. Sure, I'll be in university in autunm but it's still half a year until then. What am I going to do with all this time?? Without any gossip??? Sheesh.
Very relaxing, that's for sure.
Ah well, isn't it quite ... frightening? Daily routine - gone. Daily chitchat - gone. Daily "my teachers are sooo mean" - gone. Well well well. 13 years of school, feels like I'd been in fourth grade just yesterday. When did I get so old? ...Sheesh. I'm turning 20 this year. 20! Goodness. Scary. Totally and absolutely creepy.
I think I'm just going to pretend to have school on monday again. Ya, that's nice. I can do that. Feels good :) Feels usual, that's good.
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