I know that it's been awhile since I've posted but, whether this is going to be complete or not really doesn't matter. I've reached that point in awakeness that I have ceased to care. Now... I normally don't care, which is an aspect of my depression kicking in, but this is a different type of don't care. This is a throw caution to the wind, down wind, don't care.
While working last night, which is a normal occurance, working at night... my CSR (customer service representative) called out, for a very good reason at least (and he doesn't normally call out) so, I offered to cover his shift once the show ended. I got some food and a two hour nap in between. I worked the CS shift and got out late (6pm). And thanks to a little dissention at work, and one of my fellow managers being ill, I get to come back in tonight... at least I've got tomorrow night off for Changeling, where I will say no to being called in. 5 + 9 + 5(+) = 19+ hour work day... should be interesting, since I'll be answering calls instead of processing as I have been.
School ended well with an A in Statistics (I was expecting a B) and a B in Art History II Honors (which is what I was expecting). Once work is over with tomorrow, I get to find some way to stay awake long enough to make it to UCF and track down a Re-Admission Advisor to see if I've eatten away at the Quality Point Debt enough to make re-applying to UCF even an option.
Though it has been a bit since the action did happen, I am single again. This is not a bad thing, it is just a fact.
Though it has been a bit since the action did happen, I'm requesting assistance to obtain companionship, even of the temporal sort. This is not a necessary thing but, it would help reduce stress and fluid levels.
Present plans do not have me attending the first summer session of Valencia but, we shall see.
I want to travel but $, lack of time and, lack of extra employees at work have said no. I will just have to remain patient. I am required to attend Fredericksburg at least once this year and the Palla Grande in KoNY is calling unto me, even though I don't have a Sabbat PC.
I did enjoy my sojourn up to G'ville a few weeks back. It was quite pleasant and enjoyable to see my friends up there, and make a new one or two. I've got no idea when I'll be able to make it out of Orlando again. How about my friends abroad visit me this time, for a change? Hmmmm?
http://movies.channel.aol.com/franchise/exclusives/chronicles_of_narnia_movie/trailer_extra_largeThank you Heather.
During my nap, on the couch at work, I dreamnt that I was sleeping/resting exactly where I was, in the same position, with more voices around. When it was time to get up, I looked at the time and saw it was 1:30pm. When my boss actually woke me up, I looked at the time and it was a little after 9am. I feel asleep a bit after 7am. Other than the thought "no fair," I want to say a royal "fuck you" to the Alternate Me that got to sleep until 1:30pm before having to start to take calls, even though I had a blast doing so. I actually enjoy doing CSR work, fancy that.
One final request from this particular body in space... a wake up call. If someone, and at this point I don't care which someone, would kindly call my cell phone around 11pm EST, I would really be appreciative. Staying awake is the easy part, as long as I have something to do. Becoming awake after a period of intense being awake is a little more difficult for me. No text message or instant message shall reach me. And while I do enjoy guests whenever, visiting within my dreams is a dangerous voyage since I don't know where I'm going tonight.
This is Lou, with tight muscles and weary everything, signing off.